MR.D.I.Y. Philippines Makes an Impact on the Environment
Every man should plant a tree, have a child, and write a book. These all live on after us, ensuring a measure of immortality. – José Julián Martí Pérez, philosopher and Cuban independence hero

We worked in public relations and marketing for more than 15 years. At that time, we’ve attended perhaps a hundred and one tree-planting activities as part of our clients’ corporate social responsibility program. The act of tree planting became quite common that we often discourage clients from committing to any tree planting activity anymore.
Plant more trees
If we were to go back to that position again and give a recommendation, we would definitely encourage more brands and companies to engage in more tree planting activities.
So much had happened, and now that many subdivisions and resorts replaced the once sanctuary of the wildlife, soil erosion, too much flooding, and pollution are everywhere.
What are we trying to say?
We are a developing country, and we certainly would want to develop. But at the expense of that unsustainable styles of urban development, we exploit our natural resources. Now, what are we reaping?
No more trees to cover for us
During heavy rains, water runoff finds its way to the river and subdivisions, creating the potential for flooding.
There are no enough trees to fight climate change. We were taught in school that trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide, remove and store the carbon, and release oxygen back into the air through photosynthesis. Now, there are no more enough trees to cover us from that.
Trees also clean the air and help us breathe. But we didn’t give that much thought before. And now, is it too late?
If only for every tree cut down, one or two are planted, we might perhaps still enjoy clean air, prevent rainwater runoff, and even combat global warming.
“It’s never too late to make things right.” – Anonymous
Is it too late to plant more trees?
Planting trees is easy. It may sound boring and perhaps, too noble, but the reward it brings extends beyond our generation. Imagine the trees we’ve planted today will grow in another decade or so? And even though the climate changes and weather patterns become more erratic, we are assured that our children and grandchildren are still safe with the trees we planted will be the ones to feed and sustain them.
Trees can live hundreds of years. They are our gifts to our future family.
The Good Bag Campaign

Thus, when we heard that MR. D.I.Y, the largest home improvement retailer in Southeast Asia, recently planted 100 seeds; we truly would want to be grateful. And more than the 100 seeds, they also turned over a substantial amount to ABS CBN Foundation Inc. Bantay Kalikasan Mother Nurture campaign for the benefit of La Mesa Watershed.
D.I.Y. spearheaded the Good Bag campaign to do good not only to their valued customers but also to gather funds to adopt 100 trees for La Mesa Watershed. The campaign sold reusable eco bags at 100 MR.D.I.Y. stores nationwide. MR.D.I.Y. Philippines Marketing Manager Mark Charles Salecina said in a statement that through the campaign, the company was able “to give back something good to the community by protecting the environment.”
ABS CBN Foundation Inc. Bantay Kalikasan-Save the La Mesa Watershed received the cash donation Php375,074.00. And MR. D.I.Y. Philippines Chief Operating Officer (COO) Ms. Roselle Marisol Andaya expressed her gratitude to their valued customers who supported the campaign.
She also recognized the efforts of the hardworking team of MR.DIYers across all departments in the smooth execution of The Good Bag campaign. The cash turnover also coincides with the most recent 100th MR. D.I.Y. store opening at SM Hypermarket Novaliches.
Plant More Trees

Trees help clean the air we breathe and even filter the water we drink. They also provide a home to other plants and animals. Let us think of our next generation and help plant trees. As gardening may be quite intimidating, planting a tree, on the other hand, is simply finding a spot, digging a hole, and leaving those seedlings. In a decade or two, you will thank yourself for doing such a kind act.
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