We don’t want to label our three feeling grown-up boys as stubborn. Perhaps they have choices different from their parents, and they practice the liberty to voice out their sentiments and opinions.
The struggle to take vitamins
Don’t go too far, though. It’s just that when it comes to asking the boys to take their vitamins, for instance, they would surely not give a damn.
My mother though is more patient with matters like this. Whenever we sleep at her place, breakfast is readily available and beside each plate is the familiar tiny cup containing the kid’s chewable vitamins. Whereas in our place, I trust the boys to take their daily dose of vitamins and food supplement. They are, after all, acting every inch a big boy not needing mommy’s assistance.
The solution to give vitamins
But there are still things a mom should never get tired of doing for their kids, serving them their daily dose of vitamins included.
I may be still the conservative parent who believes in vitamins and minerals. As much as possible, I always squeeze in in our monthly budget the kids’ food supplement. I admit that though I try to serve my family with a balanced meal, certain minerals and vitamins may not be present in some food. It is prudent that to fill in the gap, they take the appropriate food supplement.
One thing is for sure though. Now that the two older boys aren’t taking vitamin syrup, my 12-year-old boy prefers not to have it too. So to give them their daily dose of nutrients, we switched to chewable.
The change of vitamins
Dayzinc Chewables
In our household, I introduce to the boys Dayzinc. It contains sodium ascorbate, the primary form of vitamin C to avoid acidity for persons with sensitive stomachs. It also prevents undesirable effects like bloating, gastric and intestinal irritations.
Dayzinc also contains Zinc which is an essential element of nutrition. Zinc plays a vital role for growth and development, immune response, neurological function, and reproduction. It also helps with the improvement of motor and neuropsychologic function development.
The benefits of taking vitamins
Dayzinc is taken to treat Vitamin C and Zinc deficiency. It also enhances the immune system, brain function, growth, and development. It likewise boosts the capacity of the human body to prevent from having future degenerative diseases.
What is nice about Dayzinc is that it comes in individually vacuum packed foil pouch. Seeing three empty pouches on the table, I could easily monitor if they took their vitamins for the day. And it seems they prefer to take them compared to their previous vitamins. With the old brand, each chewable is inside a plastic bottle container. When the boys forgot to seal the cup tightly, moisture comes inside which result for the chewable vitamins to be a little gooey.
The promise of taking vitamins

MOMI REVIEWS| Dayzinc chewables
We still have episodes when the kids forgot to take their chewable vitamins. Perhaps they don’t understand its importance despite the repeated reminder. Or they are just too preoccupied. Lately, though, I adjusted my ways. I would want to say that I outsmarted them. Or I adapted my mother’s proven techniques to force things.
Every morning served on the dining table are our breakfast and the boys’ Dayzinc. I care about their health. And I believe in what Dayzinc promises to deliver – a Dayzinc a day keeps flu at bay and makes you sharp all day.
Dayzinc is another quality product of Wert Philippines that has been helping moms give the needed essential vitamins their active growing kids need. For years, my boys took Nutri10 Plus. I would like to assume that aside from their parents’ genes, the children grow up slightly faster, remember easily, and have healthy skin because of the vitamins and minerals they got from Nutri10 Plus.
With the pollution and season plus the lifestyle we have, children are more susceptible to catching a virus and getting sick. Vitamins and minerals like Nutri10 Plus and Dayzinc help our kids complete their daily required nutrient intakes.
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Wert Philippines sent products for our review. Opinions expressed are all based on Momi Berlin and her boys’ experience.