Our SumoSam is now nine months old. Yes, time flies real fast and sometimes, I remain in awe seeing how our little one progresses. He was able to hold his head in his first few months. He first rolled over in less than three months old and stood up before turning six months. He loves sitting down next to his parents and brothers as he grabs a few Puff cereal. He crawls fast and walks with a guide. He dances when he hears some music and never leaves anyone without flashing a smile. Our pediatrician commended him for showing advancement in terms of his motor skills.
This left me thinking; perhaps our choices for our youngsters truly affect their progress. Let me elaborate.
Diapers affect baby’s motor skills
A 2012 study dubbed “Go Naked: Diapers Affect Infant Walking” by the US National Institute of Health showed that bulky diapers, like saggy or lawlaw, may affect infant walking.
It is for this reason that Rappler, in partnership with Pampers, conducted a survey among 1,200 babies in diapers. A striking result showed that moms were not aware that baby’s motor skill is affected by saggy diapers. That pretty much explains as well our Sumosam’s advanced motor skills.
Diapers affect freedom of movement
I am not claiming our child is beyond others because of our choice of a diaper. Based on his progress, though, he enjoys more freedom of movement. His unrestrained movement is what makes him crawl more, explore even, and learn to walk. He is indeed experiencing the most potential available.
I have noticed this, too, with our fourth when he was just learning to walk. We tried a different brand and while wearing his diaper, I noticed that he took wider but smaller steps compared to when he was using Pampers Baby Dry. Walking in a dirty diaper increased the bulk between his legs. And because a wet diaper means heavier load, this likewise increased interruption in walking and decreased his walking proficiency.
Diapers affect a child’s confidence

MOMI SHARES| Diapers affect baby’s motor skills
This got me thinking. Why not make the effort to build the best foundation possible in the first year of our children? That way, it would be early for them to discover their full potential. Confidence will be with them as they take baby steps to their first walk, run or jump.
Since day one, we use on our SumoSam the same diaper our other kids use. Only that now, our preferred brand has improved and introduced magic gel channels.
As disposable diapers become full and heavy, they collect bulk between the legs. These saggy diapers are what give the wide stance and affect a child’s poor balance. Some kids learning to walk are then easily discouraged. Frequent missteps and falls left them disheartened. But not with our SumoSam. He practically loves open spaces. We let him crawl, walk with a guide, and explore.
It is with crawling, walking, and other movements will children discover, learn, and enjoy. And as a mom, I have seen how my three grown-ups enjoy success because we let them discover it themselves. So now with our SumoSam, we let him explore his little world. And we support him with the brand supportive of his progress.

MOMI SHARES| Diapers affect baby’s motor skills
Diapers affect child-rearing confidence

MOMI SHARES| Diapers affect baby’s motor skills
Have I mentioned our favorite brand introduced the magic gel technology? The new improved Pampers Baby Dry has this revolutionary magic gel channels that help in distributing the wetness evenly across the diaper instead of bulking in one area only. And what makes it more impressive is that the magic gel locks in the wetness, preventing leaks and diaper rash.
I love that Pampers Baby Dry’s promise of comfort holds true to the claim. But I love it best that our favorite brand doesn’t remain complacent. It improves and finds a way to bring more solutions. After all, child rearing and baby day-to-day development should be enjoyed and celebrated. And they are best enjoyed when brands such as Pampers Baby Dry become vital partners in these endeavors.
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This blog post was made in partnership with Pampers, all opinions are my own. Win more when you #ChoosePampers! Click <http://pampers.woopworld.ph?r
It sounds like you have found some nappies that really work for you and your little one which is awesome!
A thin diaper would always be better for walking. I liked Pampers when my kids were babies.
What an interesting read. Important to pay attention to the lasting effects of diapers
My boys were Pampers babies too. I like that its soft and gentle on my boys skin.
That’s true! Poor babies! A thin diaper sure can help kids having more natural movements!
I heard about the finding. It is always fascinating when a research that is conducted actually proves value in something we do as part of tradition or as instinct!
Pampers was always the brand I trusted to care for my babies needs.
I really had no idea that any of this existed. I’m not sure I believe the two are connected, but I guess anything is possible.
When my son was still a baby, I also prefer diaper pants. It is so easy to wear and remove. I have no idea that it also affects the motor skills.
My kids are all Pampers babies too. I definitely believe that diapers play a role in a baby’s ability to move. I can just imagine how uncomfortable it is for them to move around with saggy diapers.
Thanks for the info. I think it’s better to have babies wear fabric clothing instead of disposable diapers.
I haven’t heard much about this before, but it seems interesting. Definitely something to look further into. Thanks for sharing!
This is very interesting to read. I will admit that we are Huggies in our house because my baby tends to leak through the other brands.
What a sweet post! I love that you found something that works and why the thing you had before didn’t. It makes since that diapers can mess with the mobility of babies. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
That is an interesting topic. I’m well past the baby stage in my life, but it’s good for other parents to know.