I got a planner from Makati Medical Center. It is called Hustle - made especially for individuals on the go. It contains insightful yet concise information about health and wellness. Each detail is suitable to meet the demands of one's busy schedule. I like it that...
MOMI LEARNS| Parentology+ and parents as informed advocates
[tweetshareinline tweet="You are not raising a son, but someone's husband, and somebody's father. Raise him well then. " username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] That was what I realized two years ago when I started to have problems with my Second son. I...
MOMI BALANCES| This 2018, we will travel
Traveling is said to be one of the best ways for personal development. Being exposed to various environment, food, and customs widens one's understanding of the world around him. It helps him know himself better and discover or affirm his capacity to adapt and...
MOMI EXPERIENCES | Delgado Clinic’s Optimal Birth Outcome
It was 15 years ago when I visited my OB-Gyn for my regular prenatal checkup. He told me my cervix was already 3cm and I should pack my things and proceed to the hospital. I was so clueless about what to expect and what would happen next. All I knew was to trust my...
MOMI MAKES A DIFFERENCE with Tiny Buds Organic Collection
About two years ago, I saw the drama film 12 Years A Slave. It is an adaptation of an 1853 slave narrative memoir of Solomon Northup. He was a New York State-born free African American man kidnapped and sold into slavery. I looked for its book version and was all...
MOMI SHARES| The love, hope, and faith in Giving
I always believe that attitude is a choice. Same with giving and sharing, we may always opt to do so or otherwise. If we decide to be generous and helpful, we might be surprised that eventually, it is us who reap the rewards of our kind deeds. [tweetshareinline...