
How to Take Care of Yourself During Summer

How to Take Care of Yourself During Summer

Taking Care Of Yourself During The Hot Summer Months With the summer months increasing in temperature as each year flies by, coping with the heat is becoming more difficult. Finding ways to deal with the risks associated with the sizzling summer sun can seem...

6 Signs your Relationship Hits the Comfort Zone

6 Signs your Relationship Hits the Comfort Zone

Signs your Relationship Hits the Comfort Zone Being comfortable with your partner may be taken as a good sign for others. For some, it means no more putting on a show, thus removing any boundaries between sweethearts. This may be viewed as unfavorable as there is no...

Easy Hash Brown Frittata Recipe

Easy Hash Brown Frittata Recipe

Hash Brown Frittata We miss our grandmother. She never runs out of hugs and homemade pinya candies. She also cooks the most comforting frittata. Oh, each spoonful is wonderfully hearty and healthy - a chock-full of newly harvested tomatoes and potatoes -...

INSPI Kids on Sale at Shopee

INSPI Kids on Sale at Shopee

It has been three months since you’ve given birth. As you recover from childbirth, your three-month-old is also becoming more energetic and growing bigger every day. By this time, he can settle into a schedule, giving you more time to rest and heal. Momi Berlin shares some of the most common developmental milestones seen in a three-month-old child.

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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