Two of our boys have allergic rhinitis. Having asthma and eczema perhaps increase their risk of allergic rhinitis. Most likely, they developed it, too, because their mother has a history of allergies. We’ve been dealing with it so patiently, forever careful in everything we smell, touch, and even eat.

It is for this reason that we always try to keep the house clean. We also dismissed the thought of owning a pet as we know pet dander may trigger an attack.
Sometimes, though, even how careful we may be, a simple cleaning causes congestion and watery eyes. This makes the act of cleaning a discomfort for us, aggravating the already troublesome symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
We would like to share with you some helpful tips on how to make cleaning enjoyable and hopefully, without any trigger of an attack.
Gear up
Our body reacts to certain allergens like pollen or mold when we get in close contact with them. Thus, the best way to shield ourselves from these possible trigger factors is to wear protective gear while cleaning. Gloves or face masks help us lessen our contact with allergens. Covering our arms with an extra layer of clothes also prevents any allergens from landing on exposed skin and in a way, irritate us.
Nevermind feeling silly with all the gear. They are all worth putting on than sneezing all day or scratching yourself from too much itch.
Use damp cloth
Use a damp cloth instead of a feather duster when cleaning surfaces. The latter only push dust around and do not swipe them out completely. Likewise, it is advisable to vacuum regularly as it prevents specks of dust from building up around the home. It helps, too, if the vacuum has a humidification function. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can counteract allergies and the likes.
Avoid air fresheners
The strong scent or chemicals used in air freshener may often trigger allergic rhinitis. If possible, just keep the house clean rather than spraying air fresheners. The same goes for cars, too.
A clean smelling home is easily achieved with frequent change of beddings, towels, curtains, and throw pillowcases.
Wash fabrics regularly
Dust mites, pollen, and other common allergens usually gather around in fabrics like rugs, cushions, and carpet. Thus, it is advisable to change rugs, curtains, and throw pillow cases quite frequently. In the case of carpet, vacuum it often or better if you don’t use any at all. Curtains, on the other hand, maybe replaced with blinds or if not possible, just change them regularly.
The same with your beddings, they provide the ideal environment for dust mites to thrive as they are warm and moist. Best to change pillowcases, duvets, and blankets weekly. It helps, too, if you use a protective cover on your bed to allergy-proof it.
Wash up
After all the cleaning and tidying, it is ideal to take a bath to wash away dust and dirt. But more than preventing those allergens from causing any problem, a warm bath relaxes our body and prepares us for better sleep.
Use Nasal Spray

We always have a stock of nasal spray at home as it helps us cope up with colds, allergies, and flu. And among the brands we’ve tried, we love best the АQUA MARIS® NASAL SPRAY. Its composition is seawater from the Adriatic Sea which is rich in salts and oligo-elements that help normalize mucous production. It provides natural decongestant, instantly relieving us of any discomfort. Plus of course, it helps make breathing easier. Another thing we love about Aqua Maris® is that it is safe for babies, toddlers, elderly, pregnant, and breastfeeding moms like me because it has no preservatives or any additives. It comes in three variants: Baby, Classic, and Strong, and is readily available in Mercury Drug, Med Express, and Watsons.
Two of our boys and this mother have allergic rhinitis. Our symptoms usually consist of a runny nose, frequent sneezing, itchy nose, and congestion. Though we make sure our house is clean, sometimes, we still have an attack especially if we come across sudden dust, mold, or pet dander. As there are plenty of antihistamines to help us feel a little comfortable, we also use nasal decongestants to help control the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. And the best we have tried so far is АQUA MARIS® NASAL SPRAY.
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Aqua Maris Website
I’ll keep these tips in minds. I do get allergies, and I hate when I’m sneezing constantly.
sneezing constantly is also one thing i hate about allergies
This sounds like my life. I have allergies that cause asthma so I have to be careful. I also avoid all chemical cleaners too.
yes on chemical cleaners. we are careful on those things, too, as they may trigger an attack.
Allergic din tlga ako sa alikabok madaling magkasakit salamat sa mga tips at dapat tlga my nasal spray sa bahay
yes, comes very useful ang nasal spray
Good advise momi…will definitely do this cleaning is really hatd when you or family members have allergies.And thanks i discover taqua maris nasal spray.
welcome po
Must try this product kase po ako po madals may clogged nose or stuffy nose na may kasamang pagluluha. Nakaka irita pa naman po kapag barado ang ilong.
naku, opo. ayaw ko rin ang feeling ng barasong ilong. kaya sa bahay, lagi kaming may nasal spray
So helpful tips ,now it adds on my mind and I’ll try to use this nasal spray on my eldest, because she’s suffering clogged nose due to allergic rhinitis. Thanks for sharing this momi.
welcome and hope you can get Aqua Maris for your panganay. Available naman po sya sa leading drug stores e
It is good to have a cleaning strategy when it comes to allergies. This is definitely helpful! And always good to keep on top of cleaning.
Perfect po ito s akin momi lalo n my allergy po ako sa alikabok konting linis lng nababahin n po ako gsto ko po m try yan aqua maris nasal spray salamat po s pag share
welcome po. try nyo itong Aqua Maris, baka makatulong po sa inyo
These are great tips. I use a feather duster and that makes complete sense that it just pushes it aside instead of getting rid of the dust. Luckily my boys haven’t developed any allergies yet but my husband sure does.
This post is a nice cleaning guide for those having allergic rhinitis. Perfumes or certain detergents can trigger allergies or make skin dry therefore it is best to avoid them when having sensitive skin.
yes, even the scent of a certain strong perfume can trigger an attack.
I never knew about this allergy! Thanks for sharing this info, now i know what it is IF it happens.
welcome po
welcome and hope malaking tulong ito sa iyo.
Hello momi berlin ask ko lang safe po ito sa my asthmas merun kasi akong allergic rhinitis sinusitis . Di na rin ako nawawalan ng sipon gusto ko ito itry nagstop ako sa nereseta sken na nasal spray medy mahal kasi ..