Make Homework Time Less Stressful

Sep 28, 2021 | Live, Only Berlin

Make Homework Time Less Stressful

This article was selected for inclusion in the Balik Eskwela campaign of the Educational resource publisher Twinkl

Doing schoolwork at home may be deemed not fun at all by some students. The difficulty, however, may not be because of the act itself but on managing the time. Some would cram at the very last minute, while others try to multitask and do everything simultaneously. Because they are pressed against time, they tend not to enjoy and hate the idea of reviewing.

Momi Berlin would like to help students manage their time and do their homework with ease and less stress. The following are seven easy steps.

Make Homework Time Less Stressful

Calendar due dates

To easily keep track of the assignment, projects, and other school commitments, better calendar everything. Have a desk calendar by the study table. Or you may always opt for a whiteboard and create his calendar. The idea is to organize every task and to-dos on one board so you will get to remember your due dates.

Tidy up study nook

When you do your assignment at home, you should make sure you have a comfortable nook where you could concentrate and spend at least three hours studying. Remember, a workplace has such a significant impact on your ability to focus. Seeing all the clutter on your table may pull your enthusiasm to study. Instead of reviewing for an exam, you may find yourself tinkering on your junks. Or perhaps you are only flipping on those pages without concentrating on the content. 

Tidy your study table first, and your mind will most likely be decluttered with too many thoughts as well. You should also avoid studying on your comfy bed. It will do no good either.

Dump the electronics

A few minutes of answering those text messages or checking that Facebook status may be equivalent to an hour of disruption. Clearing your study table likewise means getting rid of anything that spells distraction, and that includes the mobile phone and video games.

But since a laptop or smartphone is used in distance learning, make sure that no games or social media apps are installed at the same unit you use for your online study. This will help you avoid the temptation to take short breaks or open the site or application at all.

Ask help from a tutor or sibling

If you find it hard to understand a subject, it is prudent to ask for help from an elderly or a tutor. 

Though it is commendable if you try hard to understand the lesson on your own, it would be more practical to ask for help. A tutor or an older sibling may offer a different and stimulating approach to help you learn certain things better. If no one is available within your family circle, you could email or call a classmate for advice. 

You should make sure that you don’t pick someone you will end up chatting with all night. Surely, you will never get anything done if that happens.

Study with a group

Studying with classmates may make doing the homework more manageable. It is because you are surrounded by friends who may provide encouragement and support. You can even exchange notes, share books, and even discuss lengthily. You need to make sure, though, that when you schedule a study group, you will indeed tackle school work and not anything else.

15-minute water break

Do not be cruel to yourself. 

Putting all your effort into an assignment for an extended period may be too overwhelming. For every one subject done, take a 15-minute break. Have something to munch or at least drink water. 

You need to replenish the lost energy with a new set of life-boosting snacks. Take a handful of nuts or a bar of granola. Or you may also opt to do some stretching. Sitting for too long without even stretching will make you less productive. You should leave your table for a few minutes and walk around. You need to be sure, though, that you will return and not prefer to join your sibling, who is watching a television program in the other room.

Reward oneself

This is not corrupting your mind but setting the mood to motivate yourself. Before getting started with your homework, consider what you would like to give yourself once you are done. Sometimes, the idea of an incentive all the more motivates one to get work done. A good example would be checking that new milk tea bar within the subdivision after finishing your Science project.

Make Homework Time Less Stressful

Is doing the homework and other school projects stressing you out? Perhaps it is time to reevaluate your study habits and consider these strategies. Homework is supposedly given to review and practice a student what has been covered in class. It also teaches you to work independently and be responsible. The least it should do is stress you out and, worst, be the reason for some family arguments.

Again, if homework pains you, give the situation a reality check. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if you take some rest than force yourself to finish an assignment. After all, sleep is more important for your mental well-being and development than homework. Make sure this takes priority.

Make Homework Time Less Stressful


  1. Owen Ponce

    All works for me , reliable and all are helpful tips,that need to be considered! Thank you!

  2. Karen

    Very helpful ito momi mahalaga talaga na nag eenjoy ang mga bata s kanilang ginagawa para iwas stress


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