Momi Shares a VIP’s Guide to Cleaning
What makes you happy? For me, what makes me happy is waking up to a clean kitchen and enjoying a fresh, open space with some over-the-top strong coffee.
I also love lists. I love making them. This mother enjoys reading them and most of all, feels accomplished checking them off as I fulfilled my VIP-based goals. Yes, I consider my to-do list my Very Important Person-based goal.
Being so important takes a lot of time. You don’t want to spend unnecessary time and energy doing things that could have been done sooner, with much ease. This includes cleaning the house. When you wake up, you want things to be ready to roll.
From one VIP to another, here is a list of VIP-based cleaning tips to help you stay ranked number one:
Making the bed is proven to add to your productivity and confidence throughout your day. Think about it; the first thing you do is for your benefit. It sets things in motion and defines a sense of responsibility and functionality. When you come home at night, the bed looks clean and inviting, which facilitates a better night’s sleep.
I didn’t realize this at once as it seems like a lot of little extra work, but then, I was able to prove otherwise. Wiping things down in the bathroom right after you shower or use the toilet or sink is a big, time-saving deal in the end. You can even keep a designated soap dish filled with Dawn and wipe down the shower walls and doors every other day or so while you’re showering.
For those of you who think you don’t have time for this, I can tell you that VIPs make time. The extra 5 minutes you need to do this can save you hours of nasty cleaning time later. And, leaving water sitting around in the bathroom will breed bacteria, mildew, and mold. Do you have time to get sick?
Set your VIP alarm for 5:55 am instead of 6:00 am, for instance, and wipe up after yourself as you go.
You may be the only person in your home or you may have a large family. Either way, laundry piles up. Stay on top of washing it to avoid back loads of work that drives you crazy. One load a day isn’t too much to take on, and you can undoubtedly multitask other things at the time it takes to cycle. The biggest thing is to make your dry clothes out of the dryer and fold them immediately. Don’t set the tone for procrastination. You’re a VIP!
This is another clean-as-you go moment that puts you ahead of the game. Dishes that sit in the sink overnight can cause stains and breed germs. Not to mention they smell bad. Wash dishes and clean out your sink every night before sleeping. If you have a dishwasher, the same rule applies: take care of dishes right away and run the machine once a night
Throwing your pajamas on the floor in the morning is very un-VIP-like. You’re smart – that’s how you got to the top. Put your laundry in the hamper, so you don’t come home, or wake up to an extra task and mess. If you don’t have a basket, get one. Or, think about a spot where dirty laundry can go. Using furniture and floors as a would-be closet clutters your room, but also clutters your mindset.
It’s a simple trick, but one that VIP’s lean on for image and pleasant appeal every day. Tidy up your sofa or chair pillows and cushions every time you walk by the furniture. It helps create a more enjoyable living atmosphere and gives a sense of control over your home environment. You can also spend a little time for cleaning your hallways using the best vacuum you have.

I love going to bed knowing that the house is tidy, the kitchen is ready for my morning routines and I can generally wake up to something I’m proud of. If you live with a family, make sure they do their part in picking up their messes. You’re a VIP and can handle anything, but that doesn’t mean you should have to. Take 15 minutes to go through your home and pick up any stray clutter and wipe up any last-minute spills you didn’t know were there.
It’s not just me. Many successful VIPs make lists and read through them every morning and every night. Make a plan for the next day. Check off what you accomplished this day. Putting productive thoughts in your head today make for a prosperous tomorrow. Which turns into another “today.” And does it again… You get the point.
Not really. But it doesn’t hurt to prepare for breakfast the night before. You can set breakfast plates on the table and fill your coffee filter with grounds before going to bed. You can prepare for tomorrow’s lunch(es) as well, if applicable. Whatever you can do to make the morning easier will help you be more of a VIP the entire day long.
After you get through it all, wind down with a good book. Put away the laptop and all electronics and peace-out VIP style with your favorite read!