MOMI SHARES| Recover quickly after a facelift
It is a fact. Many are now resorting to facelift to make them look fresh and their skin firmer and tighter. Those who just had a facelift get a younger looking appearance that surely improves their confidence and self-esteem. Plus, the effect of a facelift may last for up to 10 years, thus something others consider quite practical than other face enhancement services.
If you are contemplating on getting a facelift, it is important to know as well what to or what not to do after the procedure. Your surgeon will discuss with you the stages it will take for you to reach full recovery ahead of the procedure. Knowing what to expect is a way of helping you deal with your expectations and drain unnecessary worries. When you know what to expect, you get into a better position of healing without any complications.
I am writing this post after one mommy friend consulted she is pondering in having a facelift. I told her I’ve got no experience but I could help her by interviewing doctors who conduct such procedure. Let me share some insights I’ve got.
Be Keen on the Post-Operative Instructions
Whenever you schedule a consultation, your surgeon will talk about the after-care instructions to ensure your recovery starts off well. You are likely to get advice elsewhere, but only your surgeon knows what’s best for you. Skipping any of the instructions could lead to major setbacks, including pain, swelling, and discomfort.
You are likely to be advised to have meals that are easy to chew. This is because too much chewing can cause discomfort and swelling when you are in the healing process. Your bandages should also be left intact until the time is right to have them removed. You have to follow your surgeon’s instructions to keep the area sterile to wade off infections.
Most importantly, you must take all the prescribed medication as directed. Remember that healing takes time. Skin discoloration, bruising, and swelling are also normal and will go away after your healing. Sometimes, it could take months or even years to heal completely because soft tissue requires time.
Take Enough Rest
During the first seven days to eight weeks of recovery and depending on the type of surgery performed, it is important to take it easy. A little discomfort and swelling are likely to peak in about three days after the operation. Before then, the odds are that you will feel strong enough to return to your normal activities. In fact, most facelift patients are often too anxious to resume their regular workout routines.
Working out or engaging in vigorous activities raises blood pressure, leading to bruising and bleeding. In turn, this results in pain and swelling. Patients who become too active too soon end up with major complications such as the re-opening of incisions, leading to bad post-operation scars. Even if you feel you are ready for normal strenuous activities such as bending over and heavy lifting, it is vital that you wait until you are completely healed to avoid delaying your recovery time.

MOMI SHARES| Recover quickly after a facelift
Rest enough. Getting enough sleep and relaxing tends to empower the body to quick recovery. Stress also tends to take a toll on the healing process. You can avert it by reading things of interest, listening to relaxing music, or doing some yoga. As you do so, stay away from drugs and alcohol as they are known to lead to complications and slow down the healing process. Alcohol suppresses the immune system and also has a dehydrating effect that could cause bleeding.
Smoking limits the oxygen needed in your body cells, yet you need the gas in abundance to heal. Consume extra calories, protein, and vitamins A and C. It is important that you discuss the right foods to consume as there are some in the mentioned categories that could slow the healing process. Be sure to take at least eight glasses of water each day. This keeps you healthy and cleanses your body.
Protect your Face from the Elements such as too much Heat
Anytime you have a bruised elbow or toe; cold compresses are used to reduce pain and swelling. The cold feel is what constricts the blood vessels. Heat does the complete opposite by increasing blood flow to the area. As a result, the pain and swelling increase.
Heat, including that from the sun, can damage your skin and cause discoloration at the incision site. When out in the sun, wear a hat, sunglasses, and any other protective gear. In fact, limit the time spent in the sun and near heat sources as they can cause inflammation. Sitting too close to lamps or using indoor sun lamps is not advisable even during winter.
Also, you need to avoid strong winds, smoke, and dust, among other irritants. Use cold compresses and ensure they are tightly sealed to reduce swelling. Get instructions from your surgeons on how often to use the cold compresses and for how long. You want to avoid any complication by overdoing things.
Finding Help
Successful facelift and quick recovery both start with choosing the right facial plastic surgeon. Working with a board-certified expert with a track record of successful procedures means you get minimal post-facelift discomfort. Consult Dr. Andrew Frankel today as he is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and otolaryngology. With his offices located in 201 South Lasky Beverly Hills, Dr. Frankel dedicates himself to performing surgery in the face, head, and neck, bringing experience and incredible results to his profession.
Recover quickly after a facelift
A facelift is a permanent change. Thus, it is prudent that one does research before seeking and selecting a plastic surgeon.

MOMI SHARES| Recover quickly after a facelift
The best facelift for me is the one that doesn’t look like one. Such facelift makes people look their best without any obvious signs that their face was done. What changed only is their renewed confidence and higher self-esteem.