
Shop through Shopback and Get Cashback

I don't enjoy online shopping before. I still prefer heading to the mall and fitting that dress.  Or I enjoy walking at each aisle and checking on the latest inventory.  But because I am stuck at home with two toddlers I can't leave behind, online shopping has become...

When True Love Stops Seeing Eye To Eye

Many of us imagine that every day will be filled with joy once we find our lifetime partners. We picture the thrill of sharing a family with that special one, and the sheer unending pleasure of a partner who is so very in tune with us.  Sometimes, though, we won’t see...

The Father’s Message to His Family

The two boys had a quick brawl. The younger one went upstairs crying; I asked him what happened. In between sobs, he related to me what his older brother did to him. I went downstairs and confronted my other son. I asked him what happened; he told me his side of the...

#HourMama with Mom

[tweetshare tweet="An immeasurable bond that transcends life itself; there is no greater love than that between a mother and child." username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] Do you have a bonding moment with your mom? Funny ours is every Saturday when we do...

Spread Happiness Around You

We met a man whose face radiates with happiness. No single moment that we caught him not smiling. And his smile was so contagious that not sooner than later, everyone was beaming the same sweet grin. He is Winston Maxino, a corporate executive diagnosed with...

Zero Worries with My Constant Joy

Today is Monday.  I woke up at four in the morning and hurriedly went to the kitchen.  I haven't brushed my hair yet nor visited the restroom. I was about to prepare the boys' school baon and breakfast that time, and I knew, there will be a few minutes between those...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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