
5-Point Checklist to Quality IT Solutions

We've been blogging for three years already, and for three years, too, we are with Masaion IT Solutions (formerly Coffeemags).  They handle our domain registration and web hosting. These two are the two vital elements in running a website.  As the domain is the...

Avon Teams up with Color Manila for Breast Cancer Awareness

It was still very clear in my head. The time between her breathing began to stretch out with many seconds. Her breathing pattern, too, became louder. It was still in the afternoon, and we were able to exchange a few thank yous and even reminisce happy memories. We...

Live a Purpose Driven Life

[tweetshare tweet="Make a bucket list and fill it with dreams that have no boundaries. —Annette White" username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] The Bucket List   When Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson's Bucket List graced Hollywood, a lot of people I know...

Why Everyone Loves GoodAh!!!

[tweetshare tweet="Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. ― Lucy Maud Montgomery, The Story Girl" username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] My first job was as an Advertising and Promotions Assistant in a recording company.  It was a fun...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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