Whether distance learning or the conventional method, it remains that the true goal of education is to create the best environment for students to learn.
How to communicate with teenagers
How to communicate with teenagers? Momi Berlin shares proven ways to bridge the communication gap between parents and teens.
What is positive nagging?
positive nagging Nagging has been tagged as something negative. Often, parents, particularly mothers, are accused of being naggers. But the truth is, they only want to instill values in their children. It is the least of the elders’ intention to bombard their...
Prepare Kids for Distance Learning
Full details on how we prepare the kids for distance learning, now up on the blog.
5 benefits of breastfeeding to moms
benefits of breastfeeding to moms Photos of moms breastfeeding their babies reminded me that August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. This mother is so in love with breastfeeding and is grateful to have and is continuously feeding her little ones with her...
Newborn Stuff Worth Splurging On
Think smart when buying baby essentials. Momi Berlin gives you a list of baby stuff worth splurging on.