Shopee highlights three key trends that have shaped and will continue to drive the growth of e-commerce in 2021 and beyond: Social, Personalization, and Integration. Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, wraps up the year-end sales...
Haier Philippines upholds social responsibilities during crisis
Haier Philippines is at the forefront in helping Filipinos during crisis, upholding empathy and social responsibilities more than sales and profits.
Chicken and Blueberry Pasta Recipe
Now up on Momi Berlin – Chicken and Blueberry Pasta Recipe plus the health benefits of eating blueberries.
A Mom’s Forever Love
The depth of my mom’s forever love,now up on the blog.
Sustagen Premium is on Sale on Shopee
Aside from a glass or two of Sustagen Premium every day, our mother’s other trade secret for keeping fit and healthy despite her age, now up on the blog.
Diwatang Maria Reaches, Gains, Conquers
We all have that something to achieve in life, and sometimes, no matter how much we want it, there are times we will hit a challenging phase when our motivation may hit the wall and pressure us to give up. But never consider giving up. Instead, reach for the goal, and conquer success. Such is the story of Diwatang Maria, now up on the blog.