Importance of consistency We all go through breaking point and breaking through point wherein we are tested and eventually have succeeded in forcing our way through. I joined my son one Sunday for a morning jog. In one of our conversations, he encouraged me to join...
Everything You Need to Know About Wool Dryer Balls
Wool Dryer Balls: Everything You Need to Know If you want fresh soft clothing, wool dryer balls can help. The thing is, many individuals have heard of these balls but are clueless on how to use them. One thing for sure though is they enhance your laundry...
Shopee’s 6.6-7.7 Mid-Year Sale TV Special lines up Over ₱15 Million Worth of Prizes and Rising K-Pop Act Treasure
Also, enjoy free shipping, daily ₱1 deals, and 20% cashback at the 6.6-7.7 Mid-Year Sale Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, invites everyone to enjoy exciting deals, prizes, and performances at the Shopee 6.6-7.7 Mid-Year Sale TV...
Bring out the best version of you with the Colgate Uplifting Collection
Be the best version of you Does it ever occur to you that you feel heavy, hard to stand up, and can't find that inner drive? Getting motivated is sometimes hard, especially when we are too overwhelmed with things or too stressed out for not producing anything expected...
Do you need a sump pump?
The unexpected flood Our cousin from Canada called last week. Their basement was ankle-deep submerged in water after a downpour. Good thing they acted quickly before the repair bills damage reached up to the neck. The incident made us realize how essential sump pumps...
5 reasons to live in Ottawa
Life in Ottawa A number of our cousins live in Canada. From their stories, life in Canada is pretty satisfying. The place boasts an impressive health care system; thus, high life expectancy is anticipated. It also has low crime and violence rates, making more students...