I know very little about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. But what I know is that we usually type keywords within the search engine like Google to find answers to certain questions. With the uncountable websites available, search engines recommend to us the...
MOMI SHARES| DIY Landscaping tips
Landscaping beautifies the outdoor space to your home creating a welcoming and homely ambience for your visitors. To have a beautiful landscape, you have to do more than just plant trees and hope everything will work out. The best approach to landscaping is to hire...
MOMI SHARES| Understanding dyslexia
Our bookshelf is running out of space but that wouldn't stop us from buying new books. I support my boys' love for reading and encourage them to find new titles to add to our book collection. This mother first discovered the magical world of literature when...
MOMI LEARNS| Understanding the big picture through Systems Thinking
I am a mother of five free-spirited boys. Often, I hear myself angry in the morning. Dirty dishes are piling up in our kitchen sink. The floor is messy from last night's playing. The bathroom is filthy, obvious that it hasn't been scrubbed for days. I would often pass...
MOMI SMILES| Head to toe care for my baby
[tweetshareinline tweet="A new life is in front of me. Thank you, Lord." username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] That was what I uttered when my doctor put my baby on my chest. My son crawled and latched onto my breast. Then I said to myself, I will take...
MOMI GIVES| Zap those nits with Blitz Nitz giveaway
Honestly, I wasn't aware head lice can be a pressing problem. I've got a few bottles of head lice treatment shampoo and I have no use for them as of the moment. I thought of giving them away but I was not too comfortable with the idea. And so I just tried to...