How to Raise an Independent Child
We would often hear fellow parents’ wish that their children remain babies forever. But as time passes by, our sentiments as parents are replaced with hopes that our babies be independent and self-reliant. How to raise an independent child? Momi Berlin gives us a list of must-dos.
Let go
The first thing a parent should do is to let go. For our kids to be independent, they should have confidence in themselves, and they should feel we have that same confidence in them. As parents, let them pursue their purpose and believe in their capacity. We should not fall into the trap of doing things for them. They will not learn and will always depend on us for help.
Forget perfection
Because they are kids, they may not be able to do things as well as we do. Do not fret or show irritation. The point is, they were able to manage the task by themselves. When we requested to make their bed and still find the bed all messy, perhaps its the best they could do. Our heart may melt when we reprimanded them for the messy bed before hearing them say “I did it all by myself!”
Don’t rush
Do not push kids to finish each task at the same time as we do. Give them ample time as again; they are just kids. They may not be able to solve that math problem, for instance, as quickly as we can.
Same with teaching them the importance of self-care and oral care, for example. It is prudent to teach our little ones the proper way to brush their teeth. They may not have a good grip at first but do not rush them to learn fast. With constant practice and everyday reminder, they will also learn on their own.
For our children to know they have done great, we need to communicate that. Praise their accomplishment, small or big. Encourage them if they need the extra push. That encouragement and acknowledgement would go the extra mile for them to go beyond their limits.
Take brushing of teeth as an example; give them a thumbs up if they were able to brush their teeth on their own. It helps, too, that we let our kids use the best – Colgate. That way, they would truly see how Colgate cares for our oral health, providing safe and effective products for the whole family. The kids would enjoy more and even form the healthy habit of taking care of their teeth because again, they see results.
Create opportunities

How to Raise an Independent Child
Learning opportunities are aplenty. Letting them brush their teeth, for instance, is an opportunity for them to show that they can, and we trust them that they can. It is vital, though, to orient them first, of what to use to maximize the opportunity. Just like in brushing the teeth, introduce to our youngsters to use Colgate Kids Free Toothpaste instead as it has age-appropriate fluoride with no preservatives, sweeteners, and color. Allowing them to shop for their toothpaste and toothbrush at Shopee, too, is an excellent way to create opportunity. That way, they get to know the products they use and how to source it out.
As they grow, more learning opportunities will come their way. Or we may create one. Household chores are a perfect way for them to practice independence; same with doing their homework alone.
How to Raise an Independent Child
Sometimes, no matter how old the children are, parents still treat their youngsters as babies. They would think they are still too young to handle opportunities and be independent. This hinders the kids from growing and discovering their potential. Let them grow and stand on their own feet.
It is only when children feel free that they will have the confidence to think, act, and talk independently. And everything else will follow, feeling empowered and in command included.
So parents, do not deprive your kids of this right. Let go and let your kids shine.
* Download the Shopee application for free through the App Store or Google Play.