Shopee Offers MommaLove Lactating Milk at 15% off

Jun 17, 2020 | Likes, Live, Only Berlin

MommaLove Lactating Milk is 15% off at Shopee

We understand your struggle.  You barely slept last night.  Your little bundle of joy isn’t too cooperative and would instead want to enjoy your hugs and kisses.  And every time you attempt to put him down, he will begin to wail again.  So instead of moving forward, you’re back to square one.

Shopee Offers MommaLove Lactating Milk at 15% off

If you think an extra-strong coffee and a chocolate-coated doughnut would boost your energy and get you through the day, then think again.  Quick fixes such as these will only spike your blood glucose level.  By the time its effect wears off, your eyelids will feel heavy again, and they begin to droop.   Reaching for another set of your instant energy boost will only put you on a roller coaster of energy highs and lows.

For a fab new mom, especially lactating like us, all you need are equally fab food or drink like MommaLove Lactating Milk.  Such food will keep you fit, healthy, and energized.  Other food on our list?  Keep reading. 


Banana is rich in potassium, which will keep your blood sugar levels stable.  Even a piece is enough as a perfect snack to keep you going throughout the day.  It has natural sugar to help you sustain your energy.


Eggs – whether boiled, sunny side up, or scrambled – are perfect to meet your daily protein needs.  They are high in iron as well, which you will be needing to keep you energized and going the entire day.


A warm cup of ginger tea in the afternoon is just perfect for giving you an extra kick of energy.  Ginger tea is full of antioxidants and nutrients, too, which a new mom needs to recover from her childbirth fully.  Consuming fresh ginger, on the other hand, can effectively enhance your breast milk production rate.

Leafy vegetables

A great source of calcium, green leafy vegetables are also packed with vitamin A and iron, which are good for both you and your baby. They are low-calorie vegetables, too, and are an abundant source of antioxidants.  Green leafy veggies like broccoli and spinach are best for a breastfeeding mother and equally crucial for the baby’s growth.


Salmon is a fatty fish that contains a high amount of DHA or docosahexaenoic acid.   DHA helps in the development of your newborn’s nervous system. Likewise, DHA in salmon helps new moms keep depression at bay. Salmon, too, is packed with protein to boost energy.


Nuts are a healthy protein source you could always snack around. Raw Almonds, for one, are rich not only in protein but calcium as well.  They can effectively enhance the growth process of your baby.  They also can naturally stimulate your milk production.


As a new mom, you need to continue your folic acid, especially if you are breastfeeding. Folic acid is essential to keep your baby in good health.  You also need folic acid for your well-being.   Food rich in folic acid are wholegrain bread, pasta, and rice.  These kinds of nourishment release energy slowly throughout the day, which will keep you energized.


Drinking milk provides an abundance of benefits for breastfeeding mothers, giving the mother and her child a nutritious diet. One lactation milk drink we love is NESTLÉ®️ MOMMALOVE®️. It contains malunggay and wheat flakes, which all the more ensure we are well-nourished while we take care of our little ones.  It comes in Vanilla and Choco Flavor and is readily available on Shopee with 15% off the price tag when purchased on June 19, 2020 To order, download first the Shopee app for free from the App Store or Google Play. 

Shopee Offers MommaLove Lactating Milk at 15% off

Shopee Offers MommaLove Lactating Milk at 15% off


Fab food for new mom

With the arrival of your new bundle of joy, you can feel exhausted and moody, especially in the first few weeks.  These are entirely normal.  A healthy lifestyle and a balanced nutritional diet though, could help you cope up easily. Stock up on these kinds of food to ensure you get your daily dose of energy, nutrients, and minerals.  More than ever, your well-being and your baby’s proper growth and development is a primary concern.


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