Our bookshelf is running out of space but that wouldn’t stop us from buying new books. I support my boys’ love for reading and encourage them to find new titles to add to our book collection.
This mother first discovered the magical world of literature when she was in high school. I was a timid lass and would often spend my school breaks at the library. I remember I would bring home piles of books every Friday to read on the weekend. Most probably, I must have read all the greatest novels one would describe from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye.
It is for this reason that I am always delighted every time the boys would prefer books as gifts. At a young age, they are able to build their own book collection. Even my husband appreciates it now when I give him new titles to read. He shares the same enthusiasm that our boys learn to love books and be good readers.
It is because growing up, he hated reading. He tends to be confused by letters, sometimes omitting or reversing letters thus would read the word wrongly. My husband struggles in reading – until now. He shared with us that during school examination, he would always be the last to finish. It was because he had difficulty understanding the test guide.
He relayed to us that he is dyslexic.
If the husband is dyslexic, are my boys suffering from the same disorder? No parent would ever want to see his child struggle in school much more in the area of reading—the very core foundation to learning every subject there is in school.
Before finding a solution, I believe the first thing to do is find out the real reason behind the difficulty in reading.
Understanding dyslexia
Thus, happening this Saturday, June 9, from 9 am to 3 pm, is the Dispelling Myths: Your child is NOT bobo. A Dyslexia Awareness and Intervention Summit. This is to be held at the National Institute of Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED) in UP Diliman. The goal of the conference is to help parents, teachers, school administrator, and counsellors to understand the condition that is Dyslexia. There is also the need for it to be identified as early as possible. Otherwise, it can hinder a person’s learning. It can also has negative, long-term social consequences, not only for the individual but also for the society.

MOMI SHARES| Understanding dyslexia
The summit’s main resource speaker is Ms. Veronica Quintana-Arioder. Ms. Arioder finished her Diploma course in Dyslexia (with Distinction Award) at Blackford Centre for dyslexia in the United Kingdom. She will share her expertise on the said area and impart up-to-date information on language literacy learning difficulties. These learning difficulties are what affect several dyslexic students inside the class to feel stupid and below average. Ms. Arioder is also the founder and developer of Instant Reader ™.
Instant Reader™ deals with the struggling dyslexics who are silently craving and crying for help. Statistics reveal that 20% of the population is affected but never diagnosed with Dyslexia. And the good news is, Instant Reader™ can give them hope. Instant Reader™ will help unlock the keys that would allow these silent sufferers to finally own the skill to READ.
Uplifting the global delusion on dyslexia
Having been directly involved in various programs concerning the teaching and learning process of children and adults, the team behind Instant Reader™ is consistently and actively trying to respond and do its part in uplifting the growing global delusions concerning the real state and premise of reading and literacy.
If you believe your loved one belongs to those silent sufferers, this summit is for us. Together, let us achieve an illiterate-free Philippines, one child (or parent) at a time.
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Thank you for this one. Helpful! 🙂