MOMI DISCOVERS| Malunggay as natural antibiotic
“What’s for lunch?” I asked my mom one morning. I was staying at her place that time after just giving birth to my fifth.
“Oh, I will cook afritada,” was my mom’s reply.
“Momi, I beg, no more malunggay leaves, please,” my Firstborn pleaded.
Malunngay boosts breast milk supply
We stayed at my mom’s place for three weeks. I was treated like a queen, only leaving the bedroom to pee and take a bath. My everyday food was served on a tray. Often, too, it had malungay leaves. It is because malunggay is the usual galactagogue choice by most mothers. Also known as Moringa Oleifera, malunggay boosts breast milk supply. Thus, it has become a tradition for newly delivered moms to be fed a steaming bowl of anything with malunggay.
That day when I asked my mom what’s for lunch, my bold son begged to spare the afritada with malunggay leaves.
My OB-Gyn also recommended that I take Moringa Oleifera capsule for about a month or two to help increase my breast milk production. I did and I may say it did help boost my supply.
Malunggay treats skin infection
This mom still got plenty of boxes at home. I remember from past readings that malunggay not only increases milk supply but also helps remedy fungal or bacterial infection among other diseases.
I asked my Firstborn to try taking one capsule a day for a month. He has a skin infection. When we asked the dermatologist about it, he recommended some antibacterial ointment. The skin disease healed for a while but it reoccurs, much to my disappointment. Now, it seems the infection is all over his body, as I could see patches on his other elbow, right hand, and right foot.
Being the obedient son that he is, he took Moringa Oleifera capsule for a month. We saw immediate improvement on his skin after taking 10 capsules only. I asked him to continue and in no time, his right-hand bears no more ugly red sores. I checked his two elbows and they are healing as well.
Malunggay has healing properties

MOMI DISCOVERS| Malunggay as natural antibiotic
It must be because Moringa Oleifera has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that facilitate quick healing of skin infection.
Amazed by its effect, I read further. Then, I learned that Moringa Oleifera is loaded with vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and nutrients like calcium. It is also full of minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, silica, and zinc. It also has moisturizing and nourishing properties. Its excellent cleansing ability makes moringa an active ingredient in most skin care products.
More than the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, moringa has a natural antibiotic that can be used to treat or control infection.
Malunggay as natural antibiotic
I am not that knowledgeable about medical terms but from what I understand, Moringa Oleifera has pterygospermin. From my readings, pterygospermin has anti-fungal properties that counter a number of fungi causing the infection. And because it occurs naturally in Moringa seeds, pterygospermin does not carry any high-risk allergic response just like in highly processed antibiotics.
Let me share with you as well a valuable information I read from The Moringa website. A study conducted in 1981 showed that Moringa seeds have benzyl isothiocyanate. This compound is “a highly effective antibiotic and can be used to treat bacterial infection.”
My Firstborn’s skin is slowly healing. He is not taking any medication aside from the moringa capsule I told him to religiously take every after dinner. His diet is still the same and he didn’t chance bath soap, too. So I may say, we can fully credit his skin’s healing from the moringa capsule.
I may say, too, that more than boosting a mom’s milk supply, Moringa oleifera or malunggay is a powerful natural antibiotic.
Thank you for sharing all your discoveries. I learn something new just about every time I come to your blog! I am all about natural products so I will definitely give this one a try!
I had never heard of this natural product. This is fantastic that it can help with different things. This is great to know and helpful information.
i have never heard of this before! thankyou for sharing this i prefer to tke natural alternatives rather than conventional medicine. i will try to find it and try it for sure
This is great to know about moringa. I have some in the fridge so I need to take it.
This is a really interesting discovery you have made, I have to admit I didn’t know there were things like this on the market. I may have to look into it myself.
I’ve never heard of moringa before, which is crazy because I thought I had researched everything possible to increase my milk supply with my first born. How cool!
I have never heard of this product but it is very interested. I like natural products and I will be looking it.
I, like many other have already commented, have never heard of this before. I have a few friends who are having problems with nursing too, so I will have to ask them if they have looked it to this. I wish I had back when I was nursing!!
I always appreciate learning about something new. Thank you for sharing this with us
I’m a believer of malunggay and we’re fortunate there’s a lot of malunggays here at home. We can always just go out and get a few malunggays when we need them.
Moringa is indeed a superfood with amazing health benefits. There have been scientific studies about it already. It’s as good as turmeric.
I have never heard this idea about moringa before. Thanks for this valuable information.
I had no information about this. Thank you for sharing. I will check it out.
❥ tanvii.com
Wow, I had no idea. This is so interesting.
This is very interesting. Do you know if Moringa tea provides the same benefits as the capsules? My guess is probably not. I would like to start taking the capsules to see if they help my inflammation. I prefer to use natural antibiotics.
I am going to suggest this to a friend. She has acne issues right now.
I always prefer a natural cure over medicines, and looking all the benefits you can get from malunggay is just amazing, thanks for enlightening us
I love Moringa Oleifera and take it daily. It is very effective and helps me to keep my family as healthy as possible through this viral season.
I’ve never heard of mulunggay, but I’ve always preferred herbal remedies.
I have never heard of mulunggay before. I am blown away at all of the benefits it offers.
Having moringa to our diet is good to our health. I have moringa caps at home and eating moringa leaves!
I’ve never heard of this before. I’m definitely going to look into purchasing some moringa for at home use.
I have heard of Moringa as an ingredient in skincare, but never heard of Malunggay – you learn something new every day.