I am a happy mother to four gorgeous boys and a contented wife to a hardworking structural engineer.  We live in a small house within a small village and aim to live our lives the happiest.  One fine morning, while the kids are at school and the husband works for a living, this mom chanced upon ParentTown.

ParentTown Connects
ParentTown is an online community for parents to meet other parents and experts (education , lactation, and doctors among others) and learn from each other on issues concerning marriage and relations, babies, toddlers, education, food and nutrition and even health, pregnancy and domestic help. Simply put, it is a go-to-place for parents to either ask questions or get / share advice on their journey as moms and dads.  This application connects a member to all other members to help raise a child  because cliche as it may, but truly, it takes a town to raise a child.
I believe you know the feeling when someone tells you she’s been to a place and instantly she felt at home.  It is the exact feeling I have for ParentTown.  It is so easy to navigate and within minutes, I find myself participating in questions, reading pieces of advice from lactation experts and other moms, and even follow topics I find so dear to me.
Let me share with you one thread I follow:

A sample thread at ParentTown which I follow and actively participates in.
How ParentTown works? Â You simply need to sign up, edit your profile and even add some photos and share them with others. Â To participate on topics, tick categories you would want to follow and everyday you log in, these topics will be in your home feed. Â If one subject matter interests you, you could like, share or even comment. Â If you like to check on other topics, you just need to “find a topic.”
I am a mother to four boys but that does not make me an expert mom.  I still need co-mommies’ advice on things I am most uncertain of and listen to experts’ opinion.  And as it takes a town to raise a child, I am pretty confident that with ParentTown, I have someone’s back to rely on.
Let me say goodbye for now as I find one topic I would want to engage in —Â How do you start potty training and is a small potty needed?
Let us see each other at ParentTown!
Momi Berlin’s Directory
Wow, parenttown sounds like an amazing resource. We can all use the co-mommies!
I love communities like this! Its so important for Mother’s to support each other!
Yes, I couldn’t agree more. There are even dads in ParentTown. 🙂
Parentown looks like such an innovative idea!
such an innovation. check it out!
Parenttown looks like a really good idea. I love it!
This is a good idea.
haha that’s so creative and awesome! i love it! such a fantastic idea and concept, it deserves the promotion and praise.
Thank you for appreciating ParentTown, you being from the opposite sex. I have known men to talk less. 🙂
It sounds like a great place to connect with other parents for support. I’m glad you mentioned it!
Thank you. Hope to see you at ParentTown 🙂
This looks like a great idea, I’m so glad that you share this with us
Thank you. 🙂
It sounds like an awesome online community for parents. It’s a nice place to seek for advice or support and to provide the same as well. I think we should promote communities like this instead of judging how other parents raise their kids.
I like how you see things. I agree that it is comforting to have someone to run to for help as well as be trusted for your own opinion..
Sounds like an interesting app. Parenting is a learning field, so getting advice from others is cool
I couldn’t agree more. It is indeed nice to have a community to help you along the way.
I love that online has offers a chance for communities like this! This sounds like a great way to connect with other parents.
Surely a nice way to connect with other parents. Its always the start of a good friendship and a longer relationship
Sounds awesome 🙂 Wish they had something like that over where I live!
You might have this kind of app. Go and check it out 🙂
This is a great information, Thanks for sharing this with us
You are welcome 🙂 Thanks as well for visiting.
ParentTown sounds like a really good thing for kids. Thanks for the heads up!
You are most welcome. Try it, you will surely enjoy your visit and will keep coming back. 🙂
It’s nice that you felt right at home. I appreciate the information on the resource.
Yes, that feeling when youre home. simply relaxing and comforting. Thank you for visiting. 🙂
That would have been handy to have around when my daughter was young. Kids don’t come with an instruction manual, so having people who are supportive and there for you would have been great.
a lot easier with people around ready to help you indeed.
ParentTown is such a cool name for a community like this. The one that you’ve happened upon sounds like a really helpful one. It’s good to get the opinion of those who have been through it, or experiencing the same thing as you are.
I agree. Experience is still the best teacher and it is nice to have a community ready to share their experience.
This sounds like a really good resource. I love that it provides parents with a community of others to engage with.
Yes, great to finally have an easy app for parents and parents to be. easy to navigate and yes, a good resource.
I love this idea. I am a mom of 4 as well. support from others is always welcome
Great idea, no? And the good thing is there are experts joining the comment exchange so we not only learn from co mommies but from the experts themselves.
This sounds like a great resource for moms, I will have to check this out now and make my own account. I am always open for helpful advice from other moms.