MOMI SHARES| What You Need To Know About Sinus Surgery
What is a sinus surgery?
Have you heard about sinus surgery? It has evolved ever since the days when external incisions were performed; the incisions involved surgical cuts in the mouth with extensive nasal packing which required a gauze to control bleeding.
Advances in technology have led to sinus surgery being performed through the nose without any form of mouth or face incisions. Nowadays, a nasal endoscope is used to perform the treatment.
This device is placed into the nostril; it has several advantages that make it an ideal treatment device. The nasal endoscope has a special video camera. This allows the surgeon to observe the inside of the nasal cavity to know what is going on.
Why is sinus surgery performed?
Chronic rhinosinusitis is the most common reason for endoscopic sinus surgery to be performed. Chronic rhinosinusitis is a term used to describe an inflammation found in the nose or sinuses that do not improve significantly after medical treatment.
The term chronic is used to identify an inflammation that stays for at least six months. The inflammation may be caused by allergies or nasal polyps among others.
On the other hand, some of the less common reasons to have sinus surgery include sinus infections that spread to the brain, face or the eyes. Other reasons include recurrent infections, nasal tumors & sinus cavities, and impaired sense of smell. Other suffer from leaking fluid that is in the nose and blockage of the tear duct.
Treatments that need to be tried before sinus surgery
Before sinus surgery is undertaken, patients need to consult their physicians. This is to understand that there is no other treatment that can be attempted. Note that there are quite a number of medications that can cure sinuses before resorting to a surgery. Some of the prescriptions are over the counter (OTC). An acute sinus or an infection that lasts for a few weeks, for instance, can be treated using antibiotics. There are nasal sprays that can also be used together with the antibiotics.
Although nasal sprays like oxymetazoline or pseudoephedrine can cure nasal stuffiness, these can be used within three days only. Using nasal sprays for too long may result in the nose to get used to the treatment resulting for the stuffiness to get worse. But if one has a heartbeat palpitation, heart disease, urinary retention, glaucoma or high blood pressure, it is better to consult with a doctor first before using decongestants.
If a sinus inflammation or infection lasts for more than four weeks and it becomes chronic, one has to get a different treatment. He may take antibiotics for more than a week. Nasal sprays may also be taken by mouth to decrease inflammation. He may also have a CT scan performed. He may also opt for a sinus mucus test to check the correct antibiotic to be used.
Choosing the right surgery is important for any treatment. When it comes to sinus infections, surgery is not usually the first choice treatment. But when it happens, then the right surgical procedure can improve the quality of life of a patient. But when does one knows he needs to go for a sinus surgery?
Five signs to indicate that sinus surgery is the best option for you
Problems persist while the underlying allergies have been treated. Since allergy attacks can easily mimic sinus infection symptoms, he can be led to believe that he has a sinus infection and not the cunning allergies. Before he decides to go for a surgery, make sure that he has consulted a doctor to diagnose the real issue.
- When other treatments don’t seem to work
When OTC antibiotics, medicines, home treatments, and natural remedies have not worked after weeks of treatment, it is time to turn for surgery.
- If you have sinus or nasal polyps
When you notice some benign growth in the nasal region, the most likely treatment is surgery. Once you start having these suspicious, visit your doctor who will have to perform a scan to determine the status of the sinus polyps.
- There is involvement with cancer
Even though it is rare to find para-nasal and nasal sinus cancers, surgery is the best treatment to deal with suspicious growths and tumors.
- You have a structural issues
- Everyone has a different nasal passage. Some are born with systems that are prone to infections of sinuses. Additionally, due to some injuries, the body can develop other issues that may require the attention of a doctor.
Benefits of sinus surgery
The purpose of sinus surgery is to improve the sinuses drainage pathway. Sinus infections can be reduced by widening the drainage pathway. Patients who have a pathways blockage or obstruction benefit a lot from sinus surgery.
For patients who have mucous membrane disease, they improve after sinus surgery is performed. This is because sinus drainage may be efficient once the sinus opening is widened. One major benefit of sinus surgery is the ability to deliver medications like rinses, sprays, and nebulized drugs to the sinus linings after surgery has been performed.

MOMI SHARES| What You Need To Know About Sinus Surgery
How is recovery after sinus surgery?
The recovery period depends on the patients and the type of surgery performed. Most people don’t have pain after sinus surgery. But if he experiences pain, strong medications are prescribed to counter it. If there is a postoperative discomfort, drainage or congestion, it will improve after a few days while some mild symptoms stick for some weeks after surgery. Since sinus surgery is just one way of treating sinuses, medications may be used to help treat the condition even further.
Final thoughts
There are different kinds of sinus surgeries. It is better to check first with your doctor, but be sure to opt for someone who has a proven track record to help with sinus pain and pressure. Or you may check online to know more about sinus surgery.
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