What's your diaper? We have read and heard it a hundred times. Disposable diapers make up a significant amount of trash. Million tons of plastic diapers end up in landfills which may be bad for the environment. But does this make cloth diapers the better choice? Cloth...
From our firstborn to our fifth, we use disposable diapers
We use disposable diapers A study we once read said that disposable diapers are the third largest consumer items in landfills. They represent about 30% of non-biodegradable waste. The top two are food containers and newspapers. It is for this reason that we tried...
Pampers Launches the #BetterForBaby Advocacy
Pampers, together with celebrity mom Sarah Lahbati, led the launch of the new nationwide advocacy Pampers #BetterforBaby Movement. This call-to-action advocacy aims to help give babies a world of unhindered play and movement so they are free to learn and explore the...
SumoSam and Momi Berlin took the “Less Palit, More Sulit” Challenge
Our two toddlers were hospitalized about three months ago. Both suffered from acute gastroenteritis. Aside from frequent vomiting, they also experienced diarrhea. Their stomach was irritated and inflamed caused by either bacterial or viral infection. They stayed in...
MOMI SHARES| Diapers affect baby’s motor skills
Our SumoSam is now nine months old. Yes, time flies real fast and sometimes, I remain in awe seeing how our little one progresses. He was able to hold his head in his first few months. He first rolled over in less than three months old and stood up before turning six...