Whenever we go, we always have a toddler and an infant in tow. Carrying them can be quite a struggle but with love, everything is possible. As we go to malls or parks, I often babywear our four-month-old. We bring our stroller, on the other hand, for our...
MOMI SHARES| That ties that bind
I believe God has a reason for giving us five boys. Yes. Five boys. Like most expectant moms, I also wished to have a baby girl. Each time we walk into that sonogram appointment, I prayed for a girl only that the OB-Gyn Sonologist would tell us "It's a boy." Cut...
MOM STANDS TALL| Proactive prevention against Vaccine-preventable diseases
Monthly, we have five boys scheduled for vaccination. If only we would compute the money we've invested on those vials and booster shots, we might have purchased a brand new car already. Only that we prefer to secure the kids' safety against vaccine-preventable...
MOMI INVITES| Shadrach’s Collection on October 1
This mother discovered the beauty of babywearing about two years ago. She got a few projects for writing at home, however, her newborn would always want to be near his mama. Though she loves carrying her little man in her arms, she just couldn't finish her household...
MOMI MUSINGS| stand like a rock or follow your heart
He made it! I secretly prayed for his safety, though. I got a text report from school that my Second Son was able to reach school at 7:15 am. He was 15 minutes late, but the important thing was, he got to school safe and sound. It was his first time to commute...
MOMI THANKS| Behind a successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back
Behind a successful woman is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back. Again, this proves me right. I finally gave birth to our fifth boy through Cesarean Section last July 19. And though we've anticipated his coming, we were somehow left off guard about...