
MOMI SMILES| Head to toe care for my baby

MOMI SMILES| Head to toe care for my baby

[tweetshareinline tweet="A new life is in front of me.  Thank you, Lord." username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] That was what I uttered when my doctor put my baby on my chest.  My son crawled and latched onto my breast.  Then I said to myself, I will take...

MOMI GIVES| Zap those nits with Blitz Nitz giveaway

MOMI GIVES| Zap those nits with Blitz Nitz giveaway

Honestly, I wasn't aware head lice can be a pressing problem.  I've got a few bottles of head lice treatment shampoo and I have no use for them as of the moment.  I thought of giving them away but I was not too comfortable with the idea.  And so I just tried to...

MOMI SMILES| The TRAIN tax positive effect

MOMI SMILES| The TRAIN tax positive effect

I am a breastfeeding mom.  I have come to know that breastfeeding is a supply and demand system.  The bigger the demand of the child for milk, the more supply the mother's body produces.  It helps, too, that I am a stay-at-home mom, thus, our frequent skin-to-skin...

MOMI SHARES| 4 easy steps to make hotcake art

MOMI SHARES| 4 easy steps to make hotcake art

There are times our Little Man just don't want to eat anything.  But he would easily be attracted to whip cream, fruit toppings, and marshmallows.  So we top his rice with those kinds.  We also serve him smoothies and pancakes topped with fruit jellies, chocolate...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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