Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

Dec 18, 2018 | Likes, Live, Only Berlin

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The boys love my usual sweet spaghetti – the same spaghetti recipe I learned from my mother. Just recently, though, I tried a different way of cooking our favorite pasta. It’s what my Firstborn describes as Italian style. And he loves it. His four other brothers like it, too.

Garlic and Herb Spaghetti

The hallmark of Italian cooking is its fresh ingredients. For its spaghetti, it uses the freshest tomatoes and a concoction of herbs and spices. Though canned, Hunt’s Garlic and Herb Pasta Sauce combines savory herbs with a rich, deep garlic flavor. It uses only all-natural, vine-ripened tomatoes carefully simmered into a thick, rich, flavorful sauce. This makes Hunt’s Garlic and Herb Pasta Sauce a real Italian sauce that adds great flavor to everyone’s pasta dishes. And that’s the sauce I used for our weekend spaghetti which my boys so love very much.

For my usual spaghetti, I put hotdogs and ground beef aside from banana catsup. Now, though, I used Libby’s Vienna Sausage and Libby’s Corned Beef. Then I poured the Hunt’s Garlic and Herb Pasta Sauce.

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

I was surprised by how the food turned out. I never thought the boys would love such kind of new flavor. Well, you will never know until you try.

Another discovery –

Peanut Butter Cookies

My boys love peanut butter in their cookies. I always thought they are happy with my either crunchy or chewy chocolate chip cookies. I tried putting more flavors like cranberries and almonds and they still wolf down the cookies. Now, I made them a quick peanut butter cookie. I just sprayed PAM Original No Stick Cooking Spray on two baking sheets then set aside. In a bowl, I mixed Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter into the cookie dough. When cooled after baking, my children gobbled them all up before my eyes.

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

From these experiences, I’ve learned that I can experiment and put more flavors on our dishes. Though, no doubt my family loves my old recipes, it wouldn’t hurt to try new ways to cook our usual favorites. The new flavors might turn out to be a new favorite.

Chili Corned Beef Skillet

Just like the Hot Chili Corned Beef Skillet I just tried for breakfast. Simply spray PAM Original No Stick Cooking Spray on a large skillet, and in medium-high heat cook a can of Libby’s Corned Beef with Hot Chili Seasoning with onion, bell pepper, and Hunt’s Tomato Sauce. The chili adds spice to this filling dish that made the boys ask for more rice. All along, I thought it was only Firstborn who loves anything hot and spicy. Even my two schoolboys like their corned beef a little spicy.

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

Flavor your fun and prepare any of these festive, hearty treats to make your family and friends feel extra special. And the good thing is, these recipes are just so quick and easy to prepare. These new recipes, too, even make the most common family meals extra flavorful, fun, and delicious. Thanks to Conagra Brands, with its almost 50 years of producing quality food products, it now lets you put an extraordinary twist into your traditional dishes and flavor your fun with its wide range of popular premium brands.

Again, you will never know until you try. I didn’t realize my boys love Italian Style Spaghetti, Peanut Butter Cookie, and Hot Chili Corned Beef Skillet until I prepared and served them to my boys.

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