I am part of the Legion of Mary. It was the club I chose in high school. Weekly, we learn a great deal about Mary through lectures, workshops, and prayers. Being part of this group for three years brought great impact on my life. It taught me that I could always go to Jesus through Mary. Thus, reciting the rosary has become something very innate to me.

MOMI SHARES| Where God’s love Thrives
Giving a rosary to dear friends and loved ones is also a special gesture for me. I always believe that a rosary as a gift is just perfect to share a blessed day with others. It is a special keepsake they will have forever and may opt to use.
This Christmas, we opted to give each teacher of my school boys a rosary bracelet. Each bracelet is a uniquely designed one-decade rosary one can wear around his wrist as a piece of Catholic jewelry. Though its monetary value may not be too impressive, the promises it gives to those who faithfully pray the rosary is too great to be left unnoticed. I’ve learned about it when I was still an active member of the Legion of Mary many years ago.
Mary’s 15 promises for praying the rosary
(the 15 promises are lifted from this site)
1. To all those who shall pray my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and great graces.
2. Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary will receive some special grace.
3. The Rosary will be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin and dispel heresy.
4. The rosary will make virtue and good works flourish and will obtain for souls the most abundant divine mercies.
5. Those who trust themselves to me through the Rosary will not perish.
6. Whoever recites my Rosary devoutly reflecting on the mysteries, shall never be overwhelmed by misfortune.
7. Those truly devoted to my Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8. Those who are faithful to recite my Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces and will share in the merits of the blessed.
9. I will deliver promptly from purgatory souls devoted to my Rosary.
10. True children of my Rosary will enjoy great glory in heaven.
11. What you shall ask through my Rosary you shall obtain.
12. To those who propagate my Rosary I promise aid in all their necessities.
13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.
14. Those who recite my Rosary faithfully are my beloved children, the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.
15. Devotion to my Rosary is a special sign of predestination.
Where God’s Love Thrives

MOMI SHARES| Where God’s love Thrives. Just a few of the rosary bracelets we gave to my boys’ teachers, each with their names on it.
I do not want to claim the blessings we continuously receive are brought by my faithful recitation of the rosary. Often I would fail to finish a decade, but I make sure that as I recite each mystery, my heart and mind are present.
I am not sure as well if the teachers would appreciate the rosary bracelet we gave them. Hopefully, they will. After all, each is creatively designed out of love and passion for the greater glory of God. I got them from Faithshoppe Philippines, a home-based crafting business that creates unique printed, religious, and other personalized souvenirs and gift items. It sells handmade personalized rosaries, rosary bracelets, and statement bracelets that allow one to live his faith in style. I like it that it offers an array of rosary beads in wood, colorful gems, and glass-like beads.
I requested the boys to put a dedication on each rosary pouch. They commended the quality of the craftsmanship of each rosary. I told them that perhaps, the crafters at FaithshoppePH must really love what they are doing as it reflects on the quality of work they give. Then my Big Bunso uttered. “Maybe FaithshoppePH is where God’s love strive. It pretty sums up the love I feel each time I run my fingers through the beads. “
I smiled in silence. My Big Bunso must be right. FaithshoppePH is where God’s love strive. Its work is truly reflective of God’s love, of Mary’s promise, and of the wearer’s faith.

MOMI SHARES| Where God’s love Thrives
Aside from its presence online, FaithshoppePH items are also available in UST Parish Store- Manila, Sta. Cruz Church-Manila, Word and Life Religious Store -Don Bosco, Makati, and Nature Church – Las Pinas. FaithshoppePH also customizes rosary as special gifts for christening, birthday, and first communion among other occasions.
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my view of Jesus’ mother, Mary, is slightly different. I admire her character as someone who is willing to offer herself to be part of God’s plans and purposes. Truly a woman to be emulated. 🙂
I never new there was 15 promises for praying the rosary. Good to know. =) I’ve read about the 5,467 promises of God in the Bible as well. =) https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/5467-promises-divine
They show the different promises of God for every situation we have in life. I love the bracelets! As someone who makes one, I love how they were done. The purpose to get one closer to God was also a good project to start with by Faithshoppe. =)
These are such thoughtful gifts. I am a bit wary giving out religious gifts, as I may be handing them out to non-Catholics and very careful not to offend.
I studied in a Catholic school and love being part of our “Living Rosary” every year. I am collecting rosary, whenever I visited a new churches, I usually bought one for me and for my siblings. I love the designes of their rosary bracelets esp. the pearl designs. Ang gaganda!
Yes, ang gaganda ng design nila. I used to collect rosaries, too. Until I find them too many na that I stopped. But I hope the faith remains.
Receiving a rosary as a gift makes me feel blessed and special. I also joined a religious group named ‘Children of Fatima’ we visit houses and pray the holy rosary. Now I’m too shy to admit that I cannot even remember what mysteries to pray on what day of the week.
Ako rin sometimes I cant remember anymore the mysteries. I dont pray the rosary as frequent as before. The good thing lang na you have kids studying in a catholic school, they will guide you re mysteries. Thank God they are taught to pray the rosary at school. Lalo na every OCtober, everyday daw sila nagrorosary. Ehehe/