The Addiction
It was his mother’s birthday. He woke up early, brought the trash outside the house, and left. He went home after two hours and went back to bed.
Same thing happened the other week when they didn’t have an internet connection. He would tell his mother he needs to go to the nearest computer shop to finish an assignment. Only for several times his grandmother or brother would fetch him, and he would always be home ill-tempered.
It was the same situation for a month or two now. After school, he would change clothes then set up his laptop and act as if doing his assignment. Only that he was just playing real hard. He would even go to the nearest convenience store to load a P300 game card his mother can’t even understand and remember the name.

MOMI LAUGHS AND CRIES| a teenager’s addiction to online games
The Confession
He cried to his mother yesterday. The 14-year-old teenager admitted to his mom that he became addicted to online gaming. He suffered so much to the addiction that he wouldn’t buy lunch just to save the money and buy a game card. He played until the wee hours even fooling his mother and brothers he was just busy with school work. Then he would often end up irritated when someone distracts his play.
a teenager’s addiction to online games
He told his mother he was into online gaming so much that he felt something was wrong already. So he talked to a classmate who just like him, was nearing addicted to online games. The classmate asked his father for help. The father removed all installed games and reformatted the teenager’s laptop. The boy followed what his classmate did. He removed all his installed games and reformulated his laptop. He told himself only to use the laptop for assignment and socialization – chat and Facebook.

MOMI LAUGHS AND CRIES| a teenager’s addiction to online games
The Hope
All along, the mother knew. She even reprimanded her son for using the laptop too often. She reminded her boys to only use the laptop for school work. On weekend, they could have their mobile phones and play as well. Until she just lost interest reprimanding and reminding.
Among her boys, Second Son was the most hard-headed of all. Despite consistent reminder to the point of nagging, the youngster just remains still and indifferent.
So she let go of her son and prayed he would realize his wrongdoings. Until that yesterday when he approached her crying. He made amends. They made a compact.
The Atonement
He woke up early today. Took his bath and headed to the church. He had a 7 am mass service. He went home by 8:30 am, helped his mother with the cooking. Together with his family, he ate breakfast and told his mother he will again go back to the church for his 10 am mass service then a short meeting after. He will be home lunchtime.
The Acceptance
Such perhaps is a common story most families faces. [tweetshareinline tweet=”A time comes the children dare touch the fire and play with it.” username=”SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1″] Only after some time, he realizes the fire’s too hot to handle, already eating his hands and damaging his soul. Good thing he comes to his senses and vows to leave that dark past and move on.
This is the story of my Second Son and his mother. I pray and hope he truly learned his lesson. I am also thankful that my son opted to unload his burdens to his mama. This perhaps means he considers me still as his mama who would listen, understand, and accept him despite all.
I am happy second son is smart enough to realize he needs to rectify that thing in his life.
I can relate. My sons are allowed to use gadgets but mommy-approved games and videos. I did not hide the ipad from them, we had to train them early to have control even if the ipad is there. I’m happy that sometimes, they’d rather play than use it. IT didn’t happen instantly. But like you, there were tough days, too. =) But when they choose the better road, it’s always a relief. =)
So far I have no problems with my son yet, medyo controlled ko pa yung gadgets niya since every weekend lang. How I wish, my son will not hide secret din and he will realized his mistakes so we can also help him. There is nothing wrong in playing games, wag lang talaga maaddict.
It’s great that he was actually mature enough to realize something was wrong, did something about it and asked for your forgiveness. A lot of kids really get addicted to online games these days. As parents, we really should be vigilant about this.
Aww, I am an online gamer too. I am hooked and addicted to Gunbound and other online games but free online games lang, meaning I don’t have to buy cards unlike those online games like Ragnarok. Teenagers are really hooked on online games coz it’s interactive and of course, peer pressure. But siyempre studies parin dapat ang focus, you can let him play during weekends nalang 🙂