I learned of it about two years ago when we had our Little Man. That time, we have three growing boys. I just can’t fully function as a homemaker with my baby always in my arms. This momi then searched for the nicest and most durable carrier. I even bought a number until I found the one I have been looking for.
Now that our Fifth baby will soon join his family, I also plan to babywear him just like his kuya. I particularly love those moments when I carried our Little Man at kiss height. I could always cuddle him anytime I like and yes, kiss him repeatedly. He seemed to enjoy those many brief periods of time.
Allow me to share with you the benefits of babywearing and why I encourage other moms to wear their babies.
Babywearing lullabies babies
From experience, I could say frequently carried babies fall asleep quickly. They tend to sleep deeper as well and for longer periods of time in the comfort of their pouch or carrier. Perhaps it is because they feel safe and secure being near their parents.
Babywearing calms babies
I may say worn babies tend to cry less. I perceived them as happy kids. The close proximity of the infants to their parents make them less frustrated. It is because parents can easily provide their children’s need – food, warmth, and touch. There was even a study published in the journal Pediatrics saying that babywearing for three hours a day reduced infant crying by 43 percent overall and 54 percent during evening hours. There might always be an exception, but this has certainly been the case in my experience. We have a happy baby who cries less.
Babywearing makes parenting easier

MOMI APPROVES Babywearing | Reviewing for an exam is never difficult with a baby pouch to carry our Little Man while my other son listens to story-telling.
No doubt that with a baby carrier, I could always have my hands free for other chores I need to finish. I remember I survived reviewing my other boys for their examination while carrying my Little Man in a pouch. I was also able to attend blogging events, shop for needs and wants, and even meet friends with my baby wrapped near me. Indeed, with a baby carrier, I was able to get some work done and anytime I just want to kiss and hug my son, I could easily do so, too.
Babywearing prevents physical abnormalities
It is always good to learn something new every day and I learned from my early readings that upright carrying massages the baby’s abdomen. This promotes healthy digestion and prevents physical abnormalities as opposed to infants who spend hours lying on their backs (frog legs, flattened skulls on the back or sides). Likewise, a sling hold’s a baby’s body in a comfortable, correct position, similar as to how the womb carries a fetus.
Babywearing helps the baby’s brain grow and develop
It amazes me to discover that as worn babies spend less time crying, they spend more time then to learn. I read once that sling babies spend more time in the state of quiet alertness. This is the behavioral state wherein a baby is most happy and best able to interact with his environment. His visual and auditory senses are alert as well, giving him the opportunity to scan his world and learn from it.
Babywearing helps build babies’ self-esteem, and mommies, too
All along, I was conditioned by my mom to believe that because I carry my son often, he will grow up very clingy and demanding. It turns out that modern research reveals otherwise. Because a frequently worn baby grows up content and secure, he is able to build a solid sense of self-esteem. And as for this momi, with my baby in close proximity, I am able to learn and be aware of my baby’s cues and signals. I become more sensitive to his needs, thus making me feel more competent and nurturing toward my children.
Babywearing promotes attachment
This is what I love best. The bond developed by the parent and child during those babywearing days are so strong that the mere recollection of the act makes a mother smile. As babywearing is a great practice for keeping the infant happy, it also builds a strong bond between the parent and the child. A mom, for instance, is less likely to suffer from depression as she has a special someone by her side always comforting her.
Momi approves babywearing

MOMI APPROVES Babywearing| Our Little Man at four months old comfortably sleeping next to his momi.
Just like my piece before, I love babywearing. Though I was told that carrying a baby would spoil him, I still prefer to carry my son even for the whole day. After all, children grow up too fast. Very soon they would be more interested in computer games and girls, and they wouldn’t even let me carry them anymore. Moments like this is short-lived, so I want to enjoy every single moment to the fullest while it lasts.
I would like to share this quote with you as it reminds me to never ever tire of carrying my little one–
A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
– Victor Hugo
We keep babies in our arms. and put them to sleep, be cozy with, and to pamper them. Baby wearing seems so comfortable and convenient. Nice. Thanks for sharing.
I find babywearing convenient as well. They could also latch whenever they want. 🙂
I agree with the plus points of baby wearing. One day they grow up and go away, till then it is best to keep them so close. Moreover this bonding will last maximum for a year. Once they learn to walk they may not need this.
I agree. So enjoy and give in to the moment until it lasts. 🙂
Aww your baby is so adorable! I have a work mate who’s pregnant at the moment woll definitely recommend this to her.
Thank you for your kind words. 🙂
Babywearing is the best, I wore all my babies. Well, the oldest not so much cause I only tried the Andean wrap and it was very difficult to keep in place and comfortable, I never managed to get it to work like the Andean women did. My two other babies I wore in wraps but wish i could have afforded an ergo carrier. If I ever have a fourth, I’ll be ergoing from the getgo!
Ive always wanted an Ergo before. But when I saw the features of a LilleBaby, I opted for the later. Never doubted my decision and since then, love my Lille Baby. I couldn’t agree more, babywearing is the best, next to breastfeeding and co-sleeping. 🙂