makati medical center

What is a dry eye disease and how to manage it?

What is a dry eye disease and how to manage it?

Living with dry eyes doesn’t have to limit your quality of life MakatiMed’s Department of Ophthalmology shares helpful tips on how to be proactive in caring for your eyes Do your eyes always sting whenever the wind blows? Or how about do they get painful when you use...

Is your music making you deaf?

Listening to loud music on your earplugs can lead to permanent hearing loss.  Mom Berlin and MakatiMed’s ENT Center offer easy ways to enjoy your playlist for years to come. We have three teenagers and every day on our way to school and home, they have their earbuds...

Are you too young to have a heart problem?

Cardiovascular disease knows no age, MakatiMed offers advice to keeping your heart young and healthy for years Husband told me he will be home late today.  His friend just died after he collapsed from a heart attack.  The very same way how Taiwanese-Canadian...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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