One night, I woke up feeling cold. I checked if the husband opened the air conditioning unit as the temperature was so unbearable. It turned out the cold temperature was coming from the outside. Husband installed an exhaust fan in our room wherein it pulls air from...
Only Berlin
Let your gift soar
[tweetshare tweet="Baby eagles can never soar under their family's wing. Liu Yang " username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] This parent believes that if we want our youngsters to soar, we need to let them explore the sky. Allow them to discover what is...
8 Tips for Feeding Picky Eaters
There comes a stage in a toddler's life when he becomes an incredibly picky eater. Our two-year-old SumoSam can be one, and he can surprisingly survive with just breastmilk, lots of juice and water, and rice in a day. Yes, he prefers to eat rice without any viand. ...
Creating mealtime memories
Time flies quickly. As every year passes, the months and days seem to be streaking by at warp speed. Imagine our Firstborn who can't even complete a sentence at five-year-old is now a 17-yo honors high school student. His four other brothers are growing fast, too. And...
Mrs Tourism Universe 2019 is A Friend
Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha It's true. Peace of mind is something too aloof because we keep on hating others for their achievement while we forget or belittle our successes. As...
How We Plan to Upgrade the Quality of Our Life
One morning when I went down from a good night's sleep, I nearly slipped when I passed by the refrigerator. Our refrigerator leaked water as someone left its door open for an extended period. Must be our youngest kid since he loves to open and close the refrigerator...