NOTE: A compilation of "When I grow up, I would like to be a..." by my three boys through the years (pardon the quality of the photos; super old collections). When I grow up on DOCTOR at 4yo; BUS CONDUCTRESS at 6yo Sunday, 2 May 2010 Big house. Firstborn approached...
MOMI LAUGHS AND CRIES/ mom and son moments
We live separately from my mom. Husband prefers it that way in order for us to be independent as well as for my mom to enjoy her quite space. She requested though that firstborn stays with her. For years, we live in Marikina while my mom and firstborn stay in our...
MOMI TIPS: family free wall
Note: This was written last August 18, 2012. We still have our family free wall up to this day. And I look forward to seeing our fourth son write and tack something on our free wall, too. (Pardon the low-quality camera used). The exchange of notes and special...
SCHOOL PROJECTS/ animal proverbs
Wikipedia defines a proverb as a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. Usually passed down from generation to the next, an animal proverb demonstrates that basic...
SCHOOL PROJECTS/ how to make a collage
School project time! And my son needs to make a collage. This mother was extra giddy when the kids mentioned to her last night that they have projects to make! I so enjoy hearing the thoughts of my boys on how to make their art works worth their teachers' time. I...