I am a homemaker and a few of the things I love to invest in our small abode are bedsheets. I love to dress up our bed with duvets and pillowcases. The types of bedsheets I prefer are soft, slightly cool to the touch, and that hug to my body. I wouldn't mind adding a...
The Proven Benefits Of A Zero-Gravity Bed
Are you familiar with the zero-gravity position? The health benefits associated with sleeping in a zero-gravity position are proven by science, which makes purchasing a zero gravity bed that much more alluring. This ideal sleep position refers to a post where we are...
Healthmax Care: Maximum Care for Our Health
[tweetshare tweet="Prevention is better than cure." username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] We often hear this saying. Sadly, though, many are still overwhelmingly reactive rather than proactive when it comes to their health. It is more comforting to know...
Aesop’s Fables on Forgiven and Forgotten
Before we go to bed, I always read to my two boys a bedtime story. It's a habit I started with my now 17-year old Firstborn. With my two toddlers now, we often read Aesop's Fables because of its many lessons and at the same time, beautiful drawings. Aesop's Fable The...
Buy Pinoy: Filipino Brands You Should Follow
Come to think of it – one major reason a country continues to prosper is that its...
Negative Effect of Using the Wrong Pillow
Have you ever experienced waking up tired and restless? I did. So the husband bought me a quilted mattress which is best for my scoliosis. The quilted bed somehow was able to support my neck and back as it contours to my curves, eliminating the back pain. It does...