Why Great Young Dads Care About Their Health
From holding your baby for the first time to chasing your toddler around the playground, early fatherhood is full of moments that make any young dad feel invincible. This new chapter in your life inspires you to become a better man. Having your mini-me or little princess makes you rethink your life choices, striving to be the best provider and protector. But while chasing promotions and ensuring your family’s safety and happiness, have you thought about your health lately?

The Importance of Regular Check-Ups
Joel A. de la Rosa, MD, from the Section of Cardiology at Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed), highlights a common issue: men often neglect regular doctor’s appointments. “Many robust young men put off going to the doctor until it’s too late. Unlike women who have regular gynecologist visits, men simply aren’t encouraged to see a doctor regularly. But ignoring your current health challenges and vulnerability to certain conditions can cause bigger health problems that can alter your life,” says Dr. de la Rosa.
Watch Out for Heart Disease
One common health problem young men should watch out for is ischemic heart disease, where the heart doesn’t get enough blood and oxygen due to narrowing or hardening of the arteries. “It is the top killer disease in the Philippines. The risk for this disease begins developing in your 20s or 30s, often due to chronic stress, leading to persistent elevation in blood pressure and damaging arteries,” explains Dr. de la Rosa.
Be Vigilant Against Cancer
Young dads should also be vigilant against cancers affecting the lungs, liver, colon/rectum, prostate, stomach, and leukemia, which are prevalent among Filipino men. “Many of these cancers develop over time because of unhealthy habits like smoking, eating too much processed and fatty foods, and a lack of physical activity,” notes Dr. de la Rosa.
The Risks of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is another consequence of poor lifestyle choices. “Beware of symptoms like constant thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, dizziness, weight loss, and slow-healing wounds, especially if you consume a lot of refined carbs, sugars, and saturated fats,” cautions Dr. de la Rosa.
Taking Steps Towards Better Health
Heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes are serious health conditions that greatly affect one’s quality of life. “These diseases eat up not only your health but also precious time with your family and your resources. Fortunately, it’s never too late. You can always start investing in your health today,” highlights Dr. de la Rosa.
Managing stress, eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, taking relevant routine and diagnostic tests, and spending quality time with your family are concrete steps young dads can take to improve their wellness.
Prioritize Your Health

“Dads, your kids are counting on you, from diaper changes to school runs to solving math problems to navigating life. Maintaining your health is a hallmark of a great, responsible father. So, prioritize your well-being and see a doctor regularly. You owe it to that little baby who made you a better man,” emphasizes Dr. de la Rosa.
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