I got a nomination from a kind soul named Aki. Â And honestly, I need to google the award as I am not familiar with it.
After a few searches and reads, I felt grateful for such nomination.
The Liebster Award is an online award given to bloggers by fellow bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011.  It is a fun way to recognize and promote blogs of  good standard but with less than 200 followers (on WordPress).  This is a nice way to connect and support the blogging community as well as  promotes one’s blog. This award works like a  chain mail, though.  Each recipient, should he wishes to accept the award, needs to follow the rules below:
By the way, Liebster is a German word meaning sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
And to start, I would like to thank Aki of The Learnify for the nomination.  Though I have been blogging for years, it is only this year that I give much effort and time to blogging and join some groups.  And through that short span of time, I have come to love and admire the following bloggers simply because 1) I see myself in them at times and 2) I often wish I could write just like them.  It seems writing  is all fun and almost all words they use simply please me.  They are so good at writing.  And so, I nominate the following for the Liebster Award:
Aki left a few questions for me to answer and I would like to share them with you:
1. Â If you were trapped on an island for three days, what would you take with you?
Being trapped on an island for three days would then give me time to catch up some sleep so I would be taking with me some comfortable pillows and my favorite blanket. Â And since my 11-month-old kid is still very dependent on me, I would like to assume he would join me as well.
2. What was your funniest incident ever?Â
My friends and family would often tell me I tend to forget things and happenings, so perhaps it is safe to say I cannot remember anymore any funny incident. Â Or I am too embarrassed to share that in my fifth grade, I walked from the school’s comfort room to our classroom with my skirt tucked in my underwear.
3. Â What is one embarrassing fact I should know about you?
I always pray that my sense of direction would improve even a little if not significantly.
4. Â How many best friends have you had during your lifetime?
Got only a few best friends and I can count them on the fingers of one hand.
5.  If you weren’t here, what would you be doing?
I do not want to entertain the thought of me now being where I am now as I wouldn’t have my four loving boys. Â Let us just say that if I weren’t at home, I am at the market or supermarket buying food for the boys.
6.  What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
The best I’ve had was a Jollibee one-piece chicken I was not able to eat as my then nine-year-old boy “only tasted” it for me.
7. Â What is the most childish thing you still do?
I play Monster War and Bump Sheep and Cooking Fever with my 10-year-old boy.
8. Â What is your favorite dessert?
Almond jelly will always be a favorite.
9. Â Do you have a favorite computer game?
If Plants vs Zombie is considered as one, then it is my favorite computer game.
10.  Blogging – the future or a fad (for you)?
Blogging is not a fad and will never be a fad. It is the future and the now as it emerges as one of the top and most important digital marketing tools that truly deliver results.
11. Â What are your three favorite colors, and why?
I like green, orange, and pink. Â Among the three, I love orange the most because I feel not all would wear an orange blouse or buy an orange bag or journal. Â Orange, same with pink and green, is so refreshing to look at.
Now, 11 random facts about me:
- Â I am an only child.
- But my mom and dad separated even before I was born. Â My dad met another girl.
- That union gave me three siblings.
- I still have communications with my dad without my mom knowing it.
- I keep most of my secrets by myself, including this about my dad. Â But I shared it with you now.
- I had missed abortion last 2013.
- And I always know should I had that pregnancy continued, I now have a girl.
- I live in a house my boys refer as ‘the small house’ and we sometimes spend time in my mom’s place they call ‘the big house.’
- I share the small house with five boys.
- Living in a small house with five boys is both crazy ang challenging.
- But I wouldn’t exchange that fact with anything else.
For the nominees, should they accept the Liebster Award, I would like to ask the following, please:
- How long have you been blogging?
- How has blogging changed you?
- Â What is your favorite blog post?
- Name at least three bloggers you greatly admire.
- If not writing a blog post, what do you usually do?
- What is your favorite achievement?
- One thing you still hope to achieve in your lifetime.
- Who is your favorite author and what is your favorite book?
- Any purchase you regret the most?
- Who would you switch lives for a day?
- One thing you regularly do.
Again, thank you Aki for the nomination.  I greatly appreciate the recognition.  I enjoyed answering those questions and I hope the four bloggers I admire the most would do the favor of accepting my nomination.  Would love to hear from you –
Really nice interview! and congrats for your well deserved award
Thank you.
What a lovely nomination! It’s an awesome way to get to know the blogger behind the blog as well as give them some much deserved recognition!
Yup. Thank you. Through this, I believe we bloggers somehow meet others.
I love these questions. They really make you think
Indeed. Thanks for dropping by.
I have seen this before, the Liebster award. However, when I received “nominations”, I saw how it uses a model that makes a blogger spread the word on Liebster. One word, viral.
Yup. Viral. It somehow inspires newbies like me, giving some smile and encouragement.
This is a very interesting awarding. I’ve only tried Sunshine Blogger award, which I think is made-up, but it was fun connecting to other bloggers and of course, answering the questions!! 🙂
Made up or not, yes- its the connecting with bloggers that counts the most. Congratulations on your Sunshine Blogger Award
Good interview! I really enjoyed those questions!
And i enjoyed answering them. :). Thank you.
Congratulations on your nominations. I think this is a nice recognition. The good thing about the Liebster Award is getting to know the person behind the blog just a little bit better. Nice to “meet” you.
Thank you. Hope to meet you too as well.
Wow, these are a good interview. I like the question
Me, too. Enjoyed answering the questions.
I would like to congratulate everyone who had or has this award! Blogging is consistency with all factors involved and getting a digital trophy for it means that you’ve done well. And that is one great interview, I loved reading your answers and things about yourself!
Thank you for appreciating the content of this post. And thank you as well for the congratulations.
Thats great to have received the Award. I have received it as well in the beginning of my blog. It helps you band With other bloggers, it’s nice to get to know people in this way.
i agree. Though we havent met yet, it is as if we have friends in the other part of the world and should we visit their country, we have a place to stay or at least someone to invite for coffee or tea.
First of all, congrats on the award! I think Liebster award iss great because not so well known bloggers get recognition. Also, we get to know bloggers better. Lovely post 🙂
Congratulations! Keep it up! I hope you’d enjoy blogging more and more as years will come. More power!
Thank you. It indeed inspire me more to blog and write.
Congratulations for being awarded it. I assume you deserve it. Such award is really awesome. And I am happy to see bloggers who get rewarded for this kind of award.
It feels good to be recognized by co bloggers. Thank you.
I like the idea of bringing pillow and blanket in an island. I love this interview!
Thank you. Love the question and answer part as well 🙂
I got this award in the past from another blogger. I just didn’t get to reply and act on what I needed to do because it came at a time when I was swamped with domestic and work concerns. Your post reminds me to accept it and pass it on. This is really nice!
Yes, pass it on and inspire others.
I like this nomination and so as the interview. Liebster award is a nice one to receive! Congrats!
Thank you. Enjoyed as well the question and answer part.
Indeed, a nice appreciation from fellow bloggers. And reaching the gap between continents perhaps.
Congrats on this! That’s so great! I love the interview as well. That was interesting to read.
Liebster is really a great way to get to know bloggers out there. We’re both unica hijas up until you had siblings. Congrats again on the award!
I love peer to peer blogger awards! It is such a great way to get to know people!
Indeed. Agree there. 🙂
Congrats! Isn’t it nice to know that someone thought so much of you to nominate you? That is so awesome!
Yes, so thoughtful and kind of Ayi. Nice way to boost morale as well.
Very nice learning more about you! It’s been a while since I last saw one of these posts… I’m glad they’re back 🙂
All the best!
All the best to you, as well.
The questions are cute and kinda funny. Your answers are cool too. I bet you have an awesome personality.
hahaha! i loved all your answers you have a unique personality. LOL sleeping on an island. thats a new one. great learning more about you and yes yes blogging is the future!
It is so nice to get a little recognition, it makes all the effort worth-while and also puts a nice smile on many faces. What a nice gesture!
Congratulations on your nomination for the Liebster award. How exciting! I hope you celebrated.
Congratulations on the nomination! Such a great accomplishment to have to a well deserve person.