Effective Ways to Raise Confident Kids As we usually learn from our failures, we all the more learn from the successes we experience. We strive hard not to fail the standard we have set for ourselves. This is also the way how our kids learn and gain that confidence to...
raising children
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As parents, we always aim what is best for our kids, some even pushing the little ones to do grown-up activities just to act smart. This kind of parenting, though, may traumatize the children and may affect their interest to learn and explore more. So how to raise smart kids the practical and hands-on way?
MOMI LEARNS| Train a child in the way he should go
The message of the story of The Young Thief and His Mother is somehow similar to that of The Trees and The Axe. Let us read the story, please. The Young Thief and His Mother Moral of Aesop's Fable The youth’s future is filled with possibility. I believe that as...
MOMI LAUGHS & CRIES/ second son’s defining moments
I always believe that a person's character is engraved within. Through his actions and choice of words, one can demonstrate his character. It answers the what, how and why he did it. And at a tender age of four, I know that my second son had already built a...