Early last week, both my grade six and grade nine boys have been sleeping late at night for two consecutive days already. The younger one finished a ukelele group project due in three days time. My elder one, on the other hand, got busy with a truss bridge he...
MOMI LEARNS| Parentology+ and parents as informed advocates
[tweetshareinline tweet="You are not raising a son, but someone's husband, and somebody's father. Raise him well then. " username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] That was what I realized two years ago when I started to have problems with my Second son. I...
MOMI SHARES| How to encourage your kids to take vitamins?
It is given. Children love chocolates more than taking their vitamins. Sadly, vitamins are needed by the body more than chocolates. So how can a parent convince his child to take his daily dose of vitamins? Give your kids ChocoVit syrup ChocoVit Syrup is the first...
MOMI SHARES| Top 3 Ways to Parent With Sensitivity
When someone talks about the advantages of responsive parenting, we often consider it from the perspective of cognitive development. As a mother, being more sensitive to our kids' emotions is apparently our most significant achievement. During babyhood, we hold our...
MOMI INVITES| Shadrach’s Collection on October 1
This mother discovered the beauty of babywearing about two years ago. She got a few projects for writing at home, however, her newborn would always want to be near his mama. Though she loves carrying her little man in her arms, she just couldn't finish her household...
MOMI MUSINGS| stand like a rock or follow your heart
He made it! I secretly prayed for his safety, though. I got a text report from school that my Second Son was able to reach school at 7:15 am. He was 15 minutes late, but the important thing was, he got to school safe and sound. It was his first time to commute...