Akemi Bedding Review

I am a homemaker and a few of the things I love to invest in our small abode are bedsheets. I love to dress up our bed with duvets and pillowcases. The types of bedsheets I prefer are soft, slightly cool to the touch, and that hug to my body. I wouldn't mind adding a...

4 Bedroom Improvement Hacks

This mother admits that her favorite part of the house is her bedroom.  It is my sanctuary and I could even spend most of my time there especially if I am not well and I just want peace and quiet.  Just this month, husband gifted me the sweetest present.  He told me...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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