
Traditional Family Meals Flavored with More Fun

[tweetshare tweet="You will never know until you try." username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] The boys love my usual sweet spaghetti - the same spaghetti recipe I learned from my mother. Just recently, though, I tried a different way of cooking our favorite...

Barlico, Our Healthy Coffee Substitute

Momi Chooses Barlico, the Healthy Brew This mother was introduced to coffee when she worked at a public relations firm. Meeting clients and deadlines, and burning the midnight oil for the next day's presentation pushed her to try and love coffee. Until she stopped...

Meaningful Shopping at National Book Store

I've got an old sticker book when I was a kid.  My mom would always bring me to National Book Store Cubao branch so I could buy stickers and complete my Panini Dinosaur Sticker Collection Book. I carried that love for sticker collection until college.  I remember that...

Flavor Your Fun with Conagra Brands

In our household, we always do grocery shopping as a family.  I mean, though the boys are all acting grown up, they still join their parents in visiting our favorite warehouse or supermarket. They have their brands, and they also know what their family loves.  Thus,...

Why Pregnant Moms Need Potatoes in their Diet?

I was pregnant six times.  And six times, too, my doctor reminded me to have my daily dose of nutrients especially potassium and folate.  These two are vital for a mom-to-be in supplying the nutrition she needs during her pregnancy. The Need for Proper Nutrients Most...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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