
MOMI DARES| Change Your Mindset to Manage the Risk

Eight years ago on September, Tropical Storm Ondoy destroyed most of Luzon, submerging even the country’s capital in flood at record-breaking levels. Remembering then, the tremendous rainfall and unusually strong wind made husband decide not to report for work that...

MOMI MUSINGS| stand like a rock or follow your heart

  He made it!   I secretly prayed for his safety, though.  I got a text report from school that my Second Son was able to reach school at 7:15 am.  He was 15 minutes late, but the important thing was, he got to school safe and sound.   It was his first time to commute...

MOMI AGREES Childhood is not a race

I've got acquaintances and friends who are into homeschooling.  Yes, these parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional school, either public or private.  And I find it a real display of pure love and commitment to the...

MOMI LEARNS What goes around comes around

[tweetshareinline tweet="Generosity is given freely, perhaps out of love, compassion or pretense. " username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] Whatever the reason, there should be no strings attached nor expectations. Last Saturday, we went to our Pediatrician. ...

MOMI SHARES| The Power of Writing Down Our Goals

[tweetshareinline tweet="Expectation feeds frustration. -Steve Maraboli, life-changing Speaker, bestselling Author, and Behavioral Scientist" username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"] My life lately was full of frustration.  Perhaps because my expectation was...

MOMI SHARES| How to get lucky in life?

[tweetshareinline tweet="All psychological studies indicate that a person's luck is influenced by his state of mind. - June Sawyer, Weekly World News, Jan. 26, 1999" username="IfZgcz8ZKo14VSCu3y8ejhrBGaCG*R!N:1:0"]   I believe in that as well.  I...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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