
Faith It Till You Make it

[tweetshare tweet="Dreams do come true, so faith it till you make it" username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] I was experiencing so much pain that I just cried for days.  The pain seems not to go away. And it hurts the most that the person causing me the pain...

Be crazy, be stupid, be silly, be weird

[tweetshare tweet="Be crazy, be stupid, be silly, be weird. Be whatever, because life is too short to be anything but happy. -Anonymous" username="SPk3(ad*e(5d4@pEwem@tnlADFb9ZZc8:1:1"] The All-New Grand China Acrobatic Circus This isn't the craziest I have done so...

My Mother’s Hands

One Sunday, I visited my mother.  I found her sleeping, evident that a few tears flew out of her eyes and rolled down her cheek. She moaned a little, and so I held her hands. Hers are crooked showing her real age. Her knuckles are puffy, and there are wrinkles and...

8 Ways To Prevent Chronic Disease

All over the world, the leading cause of most deaths is chronic illnesses, as detailed by the World Health Organization. One can, however, reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some types of cancers.  And one way is by embracing a...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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