Beautiful mornings are made even more beautiful if our surroundings seem almost perfect and calm. It is this kind of mornings you would like to wake up to every day. Surely, if you are a stay-at-home mom, you will start your day energized and finish your tasks in no time. It is because the ambiance dictates you to be productive in a happy way.
Such is the kind of morning I woke up to last Monday. Everything seemed shiny and cheerful. Even our one-month-old woke up smiling. And when I went down, a happy breakfast was set on our dining table.
A happy start
Husband cooked breakfast. Our teenager who just celebrated his birthday yesterday helped his papa with the food preparation. As usual, we had a hearty meal and the dining room was filled with laughter.
Such a happy start that boosted our spirits not to waste time. After our filling breakfast, everyone went to his own spot and indulged in his own business. Everyone was excited to have a happy start. After all, August 21 was declared a holiday and the boys planned to spend the day like a real holiday.
The boys’ happy start
The boys’ happy start was a video game. Together, they climbed the bed and played among other games. Though upstairs, I could hear their laughter from where I was seated. They really must have fun.
Two days before that day, I requested them to help me with the household chores. It was Saturday and we finished the laundry and even did some house cleaning. A day after that, I told them to do all school projects, review in advance, and finish any school requirement. They happily obliged as they look forward to a free day the following day.

MOMI SMILES| What is your happy start?
The momi’s happy start
My happiness started with putting our one-month baby to sleep. I have a few writing assignment to finish so I need all the time and concentration. Fortunately, our little one was cooperative that day. Without delay, I settled down and started work. Before that though, I got a few of my favorites to keep me going.

MOMI SMILES| What is your happy start?
Though I am breastfeeding, I sometimes indulge in a few cups of coffee. I love the light caramelly taste of my husband’s latest find, Maskape. It has a strong roasted coffee aroma that I love to smell on each sip.
My love for coffee started when I worked for a Public Relations firm before. For me, coffee is a helpful stimulant that keeps me awake and going especially during project presentation. I also find coffee as a better ally to help me recall conversations and events in better detail. True enough, I learned that there was indeed a study that caffeine enhances the brain’s ability to create long term memories. A daily consumption of one strong cup of coffee creates an intense degree of memory retention.
The husband’s happy start
My husband would always start and even perhaps end his day with a cup of coffee. And in between deadlines and other work related pressures, the more that he drinks coffee to keep him sane. Coffee, as I see it, is his favorite drink. He prefers his coffee very strong and often bitter yet sweet. From all the Maskape variants, his favorite is the Strong and Rich.
And so I also prepared his second drink for the day. He told me he got three plans to finish that day and he needed all the energy and time.

MOMI SMILES| What is your happy start?
From the many kinds of coffee, he prefers Robusta. Though most perhaps would feel that Robusta lacks the flavor that Arabica beans possess, still many prefer Robusta coffee. It must be because of its high caffeine content. I think many still depend on caffeine. Some could not even start their day without it. Caffeine in coffee makes them feel alert, pumps up their adrenaline level, and boosts their mood.
My husband told me that his life before was not all bed of roses. He needs to sell putopao and hamburger at school so he would have money to buy food and his school needs. He also wakes up very early in the morning to help his mother cook and prepare the putopao and hamburger he would be selling that day. Before going to school, he even needs to deliver some at nearby stores. Often during those early morning preparations, he also had coffee to drink. Thus, possibly started his love for coffee.
Our happy start
In our family, we have different reasons to start our day. For the boys, it is to play perhaps. For this mom, it is to fulfill her passion for literature. And for the head of the family, it is to bring food to the table. But whatever reason we have to start our day, we always aim to make it a happy beginning. Thus, we always opt to start our day with what makes us the happiest.
And speaking of happiness, before that holiday ended, the boys and I made a tray of refrigerated Mocha cake. And we used the Masape Original variant.
Momi Berlin Directory
Not a coffee drinker so I have a hot choco with milk after the entire night’s shift. I love the smell of coffee but I have stopped drinking since 2010, I guess. Our Aug 21st was fun also with the youths coming here to hike with us to Timberland. I went with them, I was the eldest in the group, lol.
Such happy start. Being the eldest in the group has its advantages, too. They get to respect your decisions and look up to you as well. Ihihi.
Ay, that’s super duper true! lol! I like being called “ate”, it’s music to my ears. lol. I don’t feel old, I feel “mature”, naks! hehe. But seriously, yes, for years, I’ve been with younger youth and they are super fun to be with.
I’m not a coffee drinker but when we visited my mom, napapakape ko sa lamig. hehehe! I love long weekend because we have more time to bond. My son also looks forward to long vacation because he can play iPad. 🙂
My happy start aside from a hot cup of coffee is seeing my son sleeping soundly beside me. Ang sarap pagmasdan at hindi nakakasawa.
Haven’t heard of Maskape but I would love to try it! Pengeeee!
I’m trying to get off coffee nowadays and have replaced my morning dose with fresh buco instead. It greatly improved my mood and I’m no longer as sluggish.
It’s my first time to hear of this brand, Maskape. I’m not sure about coffee helping the brain remember – perhaps, since I was in high school when I first drinking coffee while reviewing. Not sure if coffee helped me at all the past few years. I really felt that it was the culprit to my health imbalances.
Oh this got me thinking. What is my happy start nga ba? I follow the same routine almost every workday, and since I begin my day with it, I’ll say my happy start is probably a nice shower and putting light makeup on my face afterwards!
Now that I am a SATM, I always starting my day na gising na toddler ko. Cooking breakfast and of course, hot cup of coffee! I haven’t tried the Maskape brand, sometimes, I am drinking tea narin because #titasofManila. hehe!