Month: February 2017

MOMI LEARNS| The dirty laundry

Have you heard of the story "The Dirty laundry?" I haven't not until this morning when I read it to my 11-year-old son. It was such a beautiful story worth sharing.  Of course, the lesson it imparted was equally divine.  I got it from Paulo Coelho's blog.  And he...

MOMI LEARNS| Humility and perseverance

For quite some time now, I have been reading to or watching children stories with my 17-month-old son.  It has become our morning routine that even I, myself, look forward to it.  More than the colorful and engaging graphics, the lessons from each story are inspiring....

MOMI SHARES| Valentine’s Day Tips

Aside from our birth month and December, February perhaps is one of the most awaited months of the year.  This is distinctly true to romantics and the hopefuls.  Who does not look forward to receiving chocolates, flowers, and unique gifts from our loved ones on...

MOMI LEARNS| Son teaches mom to sharpen the axe

Living in the small house with four children can sometimes be crazy. Being the only woman in the house, I sometimes find myself all alone cleaning the mess my boys left. Do not get me wrong. My kids are real helpful and thoughtful. And these are the same reasons which...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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