Month: October 2016

MOMI LAUGHS/ PMs from Tots

Note:  PMs from tots is a compilation of chat message exchanges between this momi and her boys.  She used to work as a freelance writer before until a client got her full time.  With no house help to look after the boys then, they survived those years communicating...

MOMI SHARES/ Experience is the best teacher

Experience is the best teacher.  Cliche as it may but indeed true.  We most likely learn useful lessons from our own experiences.  Oftentimes, when we are faced with a difficult situation, we remember the past experiences and see the wisdom behind those events.  I,...

MOMI SHARES/ 5 Tips to start cooking after childbirth

Note:  Momi Berlin would love to introduce Emma to you. She is an Aussie lifestyle blogger who constantly improves her skills both as a teacher and as a parent.   She is passionate about writing and learning new things that can help us lead a quality life.  She is...

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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