My morning starts with this — I get the most milk first thing in the morning, around 4:30am.

I feel I have a fuller supply of milk in the morning, thus, pump at around 4:30am. Regularly, I could collect 4oz of milk on my first-morning pump then repeat at around 10:00 am yielding anywhere from 2oz to 3oz of milk.
I am thankful that I have enough milk to feed my baby. So whenever I see Yael puts his hands in his mouth or acts like he is sucking, I readily prepare myself for our breastfeeding session. And after each session, I would pump more milk as I’ve read that it’s advisable to pump after nursing to stimulate milk production.
To increase my milk supply, I do the following:
1. Apply a warm compress to breasts or take a warm shower. Either of the two helps increase my milk flow.
2. Massage breasts. I have read in some magazines that gentle breast massage helps boost the volume and fat content of a mother’s milk. So before I express milk, I gently stroke my breasts starting near the chest and then a little further toward my nipples.
3. Have a healthy balanced diet. To maintain my milk supply, I eat regularly and on time. It also helps that my mother forced (yes, forced is the perfect word to use) me to stay with her for at least a month so she could take care of me and the boys. She would cook tinola, mongo, bulalo, and nilaga among others, and always include malunggay on them. She explains that malunggay can stimulate milk production.
4. Be adequately hydrated. Inside our room, I have my water jug always full. I drink even if I don’t feel thirsty. Also, I eat fruits that are naturally rich in water such as watermelon, pineapple, and melon.

One of our breastfeeding sessions. Our Yael would sleep soundly after having fully satisfied his belly.
And to check if my little boy is positively accepting my milk, I always check on his diaper. As long as he is regularly filling and wetting diapers, I am content that his digestive system is functioning well. Also, if I see him very active and happy, there leaves no doubt that he is enjoying his milk.
I hope nursing mothers like me have enough milk for their babies. You may want to try some of the things I do to collect as much milk as I can for my Yael.
Happy breastfeeding or pumping!
* The pump above was more than ten years old already. I used it for my Big Bunso who is now ten years old. The pump retired on its own about seven months ago thus, I bought a new one. Our Yael is nearing nine months already and thank God, I still have a steady milk suply. I plan to breastfeed him until he wants. And yes, I still pump milk and mix it with potato, squash, apple or banana. His favorite? Pureed carrots.