This momi believes that reading is one of the foundations of a child’s success in life. Reading, though, is beyond blending letters to form words, combining phrases to compose a sentence, and string sentences to write paragraphs. It is about comprehension, understanding what the story is about.
Now that our Little Man is two years old, the more I am keen in helping him be a skilled reader. Let me share with you some of the things we do.
Turn words into images
As I read a story to my Little Man, I encourage him to visualize or create an image or movie in his head of the words I say. I help him turn words into pictures and then assist him in remembering these images. I have read once that the brain needs to see in order to process an information.
We repeatedly read a story for a week until he is used to the words and images. You would see weeks or perhaps months after that he seems to be reading yet all he remembers are the images. He is telling the story based on the pictures he relates with the words.
Practice reading and thinking aloud

Help Kids Develop Their Comprehension Skills| Firstborn doing a reaction paper on the story he just read.
About three years ago, we started a reading comprehension course at home. It was also the time I resigned from work so I was too eager then to tutor my boys.
We would spend a substantial time reading stories. The three boys would take turns reading a composition aloud. After that, each would narrate the story in his own words. That way, we could assess how they understood the article. We would have a discussion after, checking if we have the same interpretation of the story. If not, we help again each other to comprehend what they have just read.
Grading their performance
From our reading comprehension activity, I grade the three boys according to diction and story interpretation. We also have peer grading wherein they could grade their siblings based on the standards we’ve set. Lastly, they also get to score themselves, again based on the standards we’ve set. The idea is for them to feel empowered. That it is not only their mother who gets to grade them but they also have a say in the grading system.
Promote the love of books

Help Kids Develop Their Comprehension Skills| Second Son prefers to read a lot than play with his brothers.
I am grateful that my four boys show signs they consider books as a good companion. My Firstborn and Second Son both have book reports at school so the more they are drawn to reading. My Big Bunso sees his brothers’ love for reading thus enjoys reading books for leisure. We also have a bookshelf at home prominently displayed in our living room. They could get books there anytime they please.
Help Kids Develop Their Comprehension Skills
Reading not only widens the vocabulary. Everything my boys read fills their head with new information. Those new discoveries may come in handy even on times they least expected it. My Firstborn would often share “Did you know that” trivia to his brothers, much to their awe.
I may say as well that through reading, my boys get to be exposed to well-written works and different writing styles of authors. These then influence their own work, thus helping them improve their writing skills as well.
Above all, reading helps them improve their comprehension skills. I have come to know many who had entered college without understanding how necessary good reading comprehension skills are for academic success. Seeing my boys now, I am confident that they have the ability to understand even complicated concepts. Not because they are smart or intelligent. But because their love for reading paves the way to develop their comprehension skills.