The winter season is always a beautiful sight to behold – snow-capped trees and white surroundings. But one thing that does take the joy is dealing with deep snow on your property. Passing by a hardware store, you might have neglected two stage snow blowers for the money and price difference against a single stage blower. If you’re wondering which products are a good investment, and what precautions to take to prepare for the season, then read on.

MOMI SHARES| How to Deal with Heavy Snow Around Your House
Things you’ll be needing:
- Emergency kits
- A good shovel
- An old sheet or bed linen
- A bag of sand
- A snow blower
These items are commonly found in the household, and to maximize them here’s what you should do.
Add more emergency kits
First things first, roads are unpredictable during snow season and so risks are always higher when traveling. Place kits not only within the house but in all your cars. In case of any injury, apply first aid and do not just depend on one single kit- having multiple can make a huge difference in emergency situations.
Find a good shovel
This is actually your greatest weapon in beating the snow around the house. Most of us would just shrug off the idea of shoveling snow, because of possible backaches, a lot of time, effort, and labor that would go into it. Choose a good shovel by finding the correct length so you don’t have to bend all the time. A lightweight option that is sturdy, and a size that can scoop out a lot are good considerations, too. Do not just settle for your old shovel that isn’t working anymore. Buy a new one before the storm kicks in and you are left with no option but suffer.
Cover your windshield
A simple step such as getting an old bed linen and clipping it with your car doors and wipers can save a ton of time. Before snow falls, cover your windshield. In doing so, even with a lot of snow build up, removing it would be as easy as lifting off the covers and wiping the windshield.
Use sand for your driveways
You can never tell how deep snow would be around your house this winter, so better stock up. Sand is a cheap option that can provide traction to your vehicle when needed to be used. Clear or shovel off the top part of the driveway with a shovel and then place sand. This will result in lesser chances of your vehicle slipping or being uncontrollable.
Check your roof
If the forecast is bad, make it a point to do an inspection of your property. Heavy snowfall produces a lot of weight and pressure. Such build-up may damage your roof extensively. During winter, construction and repair work is hard, so don’t get too comfy and prepare for possible scenarios. Check if there are no leaks and clear the gutters from any debris. When snow is already accumulating, check your roof regularly and keep in mind to clear off the buildup. A snow rake for roofs is the best choice for this work.
Familiarize self with tools
A single stage blower is what we usually pick up when replenishing our tool shed. These blowers have a spinning auger that is able to break through snow and discharges it through the attached chute. A two-stage blower, on the other hand, is equipped with an auger that picks up and chops the snow. It also has an impeller to direct the snow discharge. Two-stage blowers make the job easier because of directional options on where the snow discharge would go. It can also clear even up to 30 inches depth of snow, perfect for areas wherein thick buildup is always present.
All in all, be prepared
If you know you are unable to shovel snow from your driveway, check your roof or protect your property, get help before the storm. Ask your relatives or your neighbors. Make arrangements for extra help doing physical work. Extra preparation is key in dealing with unpredictable weather.
Deal with heavy snow around your house
This post was created to help you beat the weather. I hope you enjoyed these simple tips. If you live in an area wherein snow builds up like crazy, then it is best to get ready before the worst comes. Leave a comment down below on how you deal with heavy snow around your house, and don’t forget to share this article so others can learn too!
We’ve had quite some heavy snow in the Netherlands 2 weeks ago. You could barely drive and people were advised to stay at home. These are good tips! I’m not prepared very well for snow. And I don’t like the snow. But now I’m glad I’ll able to handle it better.
Excellent tips! It’s super important to be prepared before the snow is everywhere. Here in Finland those heavy snowstorms happen like every month during winter so you must always be ready with those sands and tools. Thanks for sharing your tips! 🙂
These are great tips.Although I don’t have experience with snow or winter,it is good to know how to deal with heavy snow.This will be really helpful when traveling to such countries.Thanks for remind to have an emergency kit,will be helpful even while travelling.
I think the sand option works best in snowfall. But what if we also added gravel to it? What’s your experience? Does it help your car move?
The snow around this house is a lot, and I never thought it would be this much. I am curious to know how she manages it.