funny things kids say and do

MOMI LAUGHS/ Anecdotes from tots part 1

A compilation of some of my Big Bunso's anecdotes when he was just about  four years old.   THE SMALL PRESIDENT April 5, 2010  /  Monday at the big house. News about GMA's birthday celebration was on TV.  Bunso asked, "why haven't she aged yet?"  With an...

MOMI LAUGHS/ the missing hair clip

I may tend to forget a few stuff like where I put my eyeglasses or mobile phone, but definitely, there are some instances, too, when my memory is reliable .  Turned out though, that I can't find them there anymore.  Some of my things are mysteriously missing. It has...

MOMI LAUGHS/ gadget rules!

  Yes, I borrowed my Big Bunso's tablet-- without his permission, though.  And I read this and immediately returned the tablet. I  was afraid to mess with his things and do anything to ruin our mother-son relationship.

Motherhood, as I live it, is a gift not everyone can appreciate until she learns to truly live it. More musings and realizations, fun discoveries, and mommy tips at Momi Berlin's blog.

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