In the heartwarming journey of young Yael, I uncovered a world of profound wisdom hidden within the innocence of an eight-year-old boy. His tender soul touched the deepest corners of my heart, leaving me in awe of the remarkable depths of a child's understanding. The...
COMCO Mundo’s “UNMASKED: The COMCO Mundo Write to Ignite Season 3” now accepts entries
Coming from the success of the first two seasons of its "Write to Ignite," COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises proudly announces its much-awaited third season this 2023. COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises is returning its Write to Ignite for its third season with the...
How to Keep skin fresh during HOT AND HUMID WEATHER?
Fresh and Bouncy Skin all summer Skin concerns due to the hot and humid weather? Let me share a little secret to help you maintain fresh and bouncy skin all summer (and in any season). Say hello to Hada Labo, a skincare brand that has been my game-changer. Ah, summer,...
Team Kramer joins Richeese Wafer Sarap Every Moment Campaign
Family in everything The phrase "family is everything" holds immense significance in our lives. It reminds us of the unbreakable bonds, unconditional love, and unwavering support that family members provide each other. Our family is the one who stands by us through...
Reynolds Wrap: A Homemaker’s Trusted Kitchen essential
In the heart of every home, where delicious meals are crafted and cherished memories are made, lies a trusty kitchen aid that has stood the test of time: Reynolds Wrap. As a homemaker, we rely on Reynolds Wrap for its unwavering quality and versatility. This household...
Palawan studes win in Shell NXplorers for agri innovation concept
An all-female student team from Palawan emerged as the grand prize winner in the recently concluded Shell NXplorers: The Bright Ideas Challenge (TBIC). Their groundbreaking agricultural innovation concept aims to tackle the field's surplus, shortage, and supply...