How to Handle Those Shopping Urges This 11.11 Sale Season
With the 11.11 sales right around the corner, we all feel the pull to splurge a little. After all, sometimes a new pair of shoes or a fancy kitchen gadget can give us a much-needed boost when life gets overwhelming. But is that shopping “high” actually helping, or could it be a sign of something deeper?

As fun as shopping can be, there’s science behind why it feels so good! “Shopping, from browsing to buying, releases dopamine, the brain’s ‘feel-good’ hormone,” explains Dr. Jon Edward B. Jurilla from Makati Medical Center. “Retail therapy can be a quick mood booster, and for many of us, it’s a harmless way to treat ourselves and celebrate little wins.” But Dr. Jurilla also warns that, for some, the line between casual retail therapy and compulsive shopping can get blurry—especially when it’s a way to avoid other emotional struggles.
Is It Just Retail Therapy—or Something More?
So how do you know if you’re just indulging in retail therapy or if your shopping has become a bit much? Occasional sprees are pretty normal, but if you’re often buying things you never use, hiding purchases, or facing stress in your relationships or finances because of your spending, it might be time to rethink your approach. Compulsive shopping can leave you with buyer’s remorse and, in some cases, lead to a full-blown shopping disorder.
Here are Some Tips to Keep Your Shopping in Check:
Set a Budget and Stick to a List.
Make a list of things you need or truly want. Dr. Jurilla suggests opting for practical items, like food or essentials, that you know you’ll use. And if you have credit card debt, aim to pay that down first—only spend what’s left and, if possible, pay with cash.
Window Shop Without the Wallet.
Did you know browsing without buying can be just as satisfying? Strolling around a store, admiring what’s on display, and maybe even trying a few things on can give you the same boost without the bill. Invite a friend to come along to make it fun and to help you stay on track.
Think Twice Before You Buy.
If you fall in love with something while browsing, give yourself a day or two to think it over. Dr. Jurilla explains that a bit of distance can help you decide if it’s a “must-have” or just an impulse.
Consider Professional Help for Real Growth.

If shopping has become a way to escape or numb tough emotions, a trusted mental health professional can help. “Shopping won’t solve deeper issues, and in fact, can even make things harder,” shares Dr. Jurilla. Real therapy offers the chance to work through the root causes of compulsive habits and will help you feel better in the long term.
When the next sale season rolls around, remember that treating yourself is fine in moderation—but real self-care comes from knowing when to pause and focus on what matters most.
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